Prayer Request Thread


New member
Feb 27, 2007
If you have something you would like other believers to pray about post here.

I'll start with these:

I do deserve to be made fun of when I don't take the time to proofread but all jokes aside since we're here if I can ask you guys to say a little pray for me my ex wife is trying to remove the kids from the state I was served with papers yesterday we split custody 50-50 it's all fun and games until kids are involved my son is 12 and my daughter is going to be 7 thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated

We can surely pray for ya. I just found out that my mom has stage 2 endometrial cancer about 5 minutes if you would, add that to the prayer list. :(

and add this:

Michael and Melissa at the church I attend are having their first baby this coming week due on 15APR. Prayers for a healthy baby and new mom.

Thanks and may God bless you.
Great idea!

If you could pray we get our ride (dragster) going good this year and for safety.
Thank you Estrada5.9 for starting this. I'd like to humbly ask my CompD family for prayers for my "G'maw Becky", as the kiddo's call her, my mother in law. She is a great lady & is going in for breast cancer/reconstructive surgery today. This is her 3rd go round with this crap & it would sure mean a lot to us. Thank you & God bless. -Garth Moon
Thank you Estrada5.9 for starting this. I'd like to humbly ask my CompD family for prayers for my "G'maw Becky", as the kiddo's call her, my mother in law. She is a great lady & is going in for breast cancer/reconstructive surgery today. This is her 3rd go round with this crap & it would sure mean a lot to us. Thank you & God bless. -Garth Moon

We'll certainly pray for you guys.

Reconstructive surgery is good right? Not real familiar with breast cancer only had one experience.
Thanks man. She came through the surgery part of this process with flying colors. Yes, reconstructive is good. Don't get me lying, but my understanding is that when a woman is faced with this type of cancer they get several choices as to which route is taken to remove said cancer & restore their breast. Basically permanent or prosthetic. She chose permanent & I don't blame her one bit. The recovery is pretty rough right now and pending the pathology report, she may still have treatment to go, but we are optimistic as is she. I just gotta say, it is incredible that in this day & age one can go in for surgery to basically remove a body-part, get a new one (not quite that simple) and be out the next morning. We really appreciate the prayers & like wise prayers have ben lifted up for everyone above. God is good!
Thanks man. She came through the surgery part of this process with flying colors. Yes, reconstructive is good. Don't get me lying, but my understanding is that when a woman is faced with this type of cancer they get several choices as to which route is taken to remove said cancer & restore their breast. Basically permanent or prosthetic. She chose permanent & I don't blame her one bit. The recovery is pretty rough right now and pending the pathology report, she may still have treatment to go, but we are optimistic as is she. I just gotta say, it is incredible that in this day & age one can go in for surgery to basically remove a body-part, get a new one (not quite that simple) and be out the next morning. We really appreciate the prayers & like wise prayers have ben lifted up for everyone above. God is good!

God is awesome.
That is Good news! Yes God is good.


I Have A Very Good Christain Family That Needs Prayers

Anything in particular you'd like prayers for or just general health and well being?
I'm having some test done right now and i wont find out anything until next Wednesday, I would greatly appreciate prayers that everything will come out good! God has brought me thru a lot of other stuff and i know with faith and the prayers of others he will bring me thru this as well! God is good, Thanks guys
I'm having some test done right now and i wont find out anything until next Wednesday, I would greatly appreciate prayers that everything will come out good! God has brought me thru a lot of other stuff and i know with faith and the prayers of others he will bring me thru this as well! God is good, Thanks guys

We'll pray for you, God is good.

Michael and Melissa at the church I attend had their first baby last Friday.

7lbs 9oz 21.5" Eden Joe Bearce.
Thanks guys. Mom has completed the hysterectomy and is home and comfortable. She is actually doing very well considering she is 71. The follow up doctor's appt. is the 7th and we should find out more then. We were told she still needs some radiation, but it sure beats Chemo. We have been pretty blessed thus far in the journey to beat cancer.
A member here, Andy or Hammer as most will know him, needs our prayers!
I recieved a text from him over night that yesterday the doctor diagnosed him as having a serious infection in his lower jaw. He need 2 root canals but the doctors can not operate until the infection is under control. He has alot of pain.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all above and if you wouldn't mind praying for my Mother she has a lot on her hands right now with a divorce, settling an estate for her mom that passed away last year, and moving to KY from PA. Thanks y'all.
Thank you all for the prayers and keep them coming please, I will pray for you all as well.

We all need to remember our nation as well, it sure seems to be going down hill in every way...
Thanks guys. Mom has completed the hysterectomy and is home and comfortable. She is actually doing very well considering she is 71. The follow up doctor's appt. is the 7th and we should find out more then. We were told she still needs some radiation, but it sure beats Chemo. We have been pretty blessed thus far in the journey to beat cancer.

This is good to hear! Keep us posted.