Vacation time


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Sep 1, 2006
Hey guys, just wanted to let as many of you know as I can.

We will be shut down next week for our annual vacation.
August 6th through the 10th.
I plan to set up a voice message for the phones, and an auto reply for the emails. I will not block PM's, but be warned I will not be replying until we open up again on Monday the 13th. :Cheer:

Enjoy your vacation Jeff, I am sure it is well deserved.
Have fun Jeff. Never fails no matter how many forms of social media or auto replies I put up at our shop we always have one nit-wit who's knocking on my house door or consistently calling my cell phone while we are closed for vacation. I wish you the best of luck fending them off :stab: LOL
You came here and taunted us????

Oh look! oh look! I'm going on vacation........ Don't bother calling cause you will listen to crickets.

LOL You are entitled to your opinion on my motives. Right or wrong.
LOL You are entitled to your opinion on my motives. Right or wrong.

It's not based upon anyone's opinion!

You basically come and swing a knee to the nutbag by stating : " I plan to set up a voice message for the phones, but have no fear I will not block PM's, but won't answer them either, until vacation is over"

Why cant we have an on the spot Snedge hotline where you answer, that way we can call you up and ask how the fish are biting? That is, if you are going fishing....

Can we see the Mumau Vacation Itinerary starting from Day one?

It's not based upon anyone's opinion!
You basically come and swing a knee to the nutbag by stating : " I plan to set up a voice message for the phones, but have no fear I will not block PM's, but won't answer them either, until vacation is over"
Why cant we have an on the spot Snedge hotline where you answer, that way we can call you up and ask how the fish are biting? That is, if you are going fishing....
Can we see the Mumau Vacation Itinerary starting from Day one?

-Corn on the cob
-fix my TV antenna
-install a small storage shed
-Repair soffit on roof corner
-gunsmoke reruns
-Bass fishing
-Repair Ibenez
-Sleep in
-Repair outdoor electric receptacle (Move to top of list)
-Deduct a chit ton of Snedge points from RD
-Corn on the cob
-fix my TV antenna
-install a small storage shed
-Repair soffit on roof corner
-gunsmoke reruns
-Bass fishing
-Repair Ibenez
-Sleep in
-Repair outdoor electric receptacle (Move to top of list)
-Deduct a chit ton of Snedge points from RD

No phucking way is this a real itinerary.

No where is alcohol mentioned.

Furthermore I see no activities where your dog is involved.

Let's see the REAL Mumau Vacation Itinerary....

Day one: Wake up early and make Mrs. Mumau her favourite breakfast.

After breakfast take Mrs. Mumau shopping.

No phucking way is this a real itinerary.

No where is alcohol mentioned.

Furthermore I see no activities where your dog is involved.

Let's see the REAL Mumau Vacation Itinerary....

Day one: Wake up early and make Mrs. Mumau her favourite breakfast.

After breakfast take Mrs. Mumau shopping.


Vacation: that time where you work harder and stress out more than when at actual work.
Vacation: that time where you work harder and stress out more than when at actual work.

I used to stress a lot. Then I figured out a system to peace of mind. Believe it or not, it's not alcohol. Go figure.

I just don't micro manage every detail. I form a plan, and adapt when the plan chits the bed, as plans normally do.