03-04 ICP sensor change tip


Joe Nobody!
Apr 21, 2006
I just changed the ICP sensor on my 03, and it took about 2 minutes. First go from underneath, and take the heat sheild off that blocks it. Mine has been off for about 4 years. That is the hardest part. Then get a 1 1/16ths boxed end wrench, and cut it right in half.

It should be about 5 inches long. Reach up, and unplug the sensor, you will see it up under the y-pipe if you look from the drivers side underneath past the tranny and Exhaust manifold.


Stick the wrench up there, and slide it on, it should stay. I had to use a long pry bar and tap it with a hammer to break it loose. Then reach up there, unscrew it, and screw the new one in and tighten it with the wrench. Your working blind, but its not bad at all.
Thanks for the heads up. Will be doing this Sunday with Douglas. Was wondering how this was done. I'm also getting the new wiring to make sure I do this once.
There is a new connector kit you can get if the sensor has been leaking oil into the wires. Even with a new sensor the connector can be messed up.
always replace the wiring with the connector and i dont want to paint a pretty picture for you but the icp sensors under the up pipes suck it is a pain in the ass so do it once and replace the wiring as well