2014 EFILive Training classes by StarLite Diesel

Thank you very much for offering this class. Zach is a great guy and this was great experience. I had near zero experience with EFI prior to this class. The leaps and bounds in the knowledge I gained from it was great. Even talking to some of the experienced tuners in the class they still gained things from the class. There "is more than 4 ways to skin a cat." as Zach would say.

I would recommend it to any one who has the extra money and time. I believe everyone who went to the class took away something that they did not have or know before.

Thanks again!
Thanks!! It was a good class, we covered quite a bit of stuff, but seems there's always so much more if we had more time... it's amazing how quick 9 hours can blow by between trucks on the dyno and the material we cover.

Thanks again everyone for coming. Hope everyone makes it home safe! We're still en route to Boston to catch our flight so we'll be out of commission for most of the rest of the day...
**class updates**

Ok everyone... the Washington class is a go, however we have not set the firm date yet. It will either be the weekend after Labor Day (September 6-7) or it will be the last weekend of September (Sept 27-28)...

For those of you that wanted this class - I'm asking for some help in picking the date. The shop owner - DJ of DK Diesel in Bellingham has given me a green light for those weekends barring any events (pulls, diesel drags, dynos, etc.) that might be happening at that point in time. I don't know the events calendar of local events over your direction for those that are considering this class.

Right now, I'm leaning towards the last weekend of the month, BUT if there's something going on then I definitely am not trying to conflict with events in or around the Washington state area - so PLEASE let me know. Right now I'm tentatively planning on it being the last weekend of September unless there is a good reason to have it the first weekend.

Let me know your thoughts! Still ironing out details for Ohio class which will also likely be in September or worst case October.


Still working on Ohio. Sounds like it will be mid October, but again not set in stone yet. The Washington Class should be the last weekend of September but still waiting for confirmation from the shop owner. Now that I'm back to work from a short vacation I hope to get this finalized and posted this week on our site so sign ups can begin.
Thought about it - and the nightmare it would likely be trying to get through technical difficulties as we go along building the tunes together. Don't think it's very feasible (at least to make it a 'productive' class, to try and do an online version of it. Trying to watch what I'm doing, then repeat it on each users computer a step at a time I foresee a lot of problems (this based on all the problems I've seen occur in classes with me right there in the room and had to help people get sorted out on their computers from USB drivers to flat out problems with their computers)... I think online classes would leave a lot of people feeling ripped off for the time / money they spent on it.

Just don't think it's realistic. If it was just watching me do stuff, that'd be one thing, but I don't think most people would pick up a lot from just watching me make tunes. Seems hands on is the best way to get the information into peoples head... at least from my experience so far.
Just thought I'd ask..LOL

I'd love to just see some basic Tutorials on how to use basic functions and things such as Start up initial setup of the V2, Data Logging with the V2 and AutoCal and a few other basic things people should know before they start messing with EFI. More or less things you should know before they try to take classes on it.
Just thought I'd ask..LOL

I'd love to just see some basic Tutorials on how to use basic functions and things such as Start up initial setup of the V2, Data Logging with the V2 and AutoCal and a few other basic things people should know before they start messing with EFI. More or less things you should know before they try to take classes on it.

This is a good idea... Maybe I'll try to get something put together and posted before the next class because it could really help out with the start of the classes.... make the first day go a lot smoother. I'm all for that, just gotta get the time to put together the documentation. I know some of this stuff exists 'out there' in various forums and readings, but I'll see what I can put together and keep in one spot so it's easy for anyone to get to.
Bellingham EFILive Diesel Training class is confirmed!

The class in Bellingham, Washington is on for sure. Class dates are September 27-28th. Start time will be 10 AM each day (subject to change). This is the only confirmed class I have currently. There are 20 seats, 2 are already sold.

This class will follow the same format as the previous classes:
Day 1: the basics. Tuning a stock Duramax and a stock Cummins together and then testing on the dyno.
Day 2: Advanced topics. Getting into more details and differences between model years/generations of trucks. Testing 1-2 highly modified trucks on the dyno, data logging and more!

You can read the very first posts of this thread for a little more detail.

This class has had a lot of interest, which is why I'm returning to Bellingham for both Canadian and U.S. based customers.

To sign up, here is the link to our website: Washington EFILive Training Class

Any questions, please email us: contactus@starlitediesel.com
Lima, OH EFILive Training

For the 2nd time this year, we will be returning to Lima, OH. The class dates will be October 18-19th and will follow the same outline as the classes this year.

Sign ups are not available online yet as we are working out a couple of details with UNOH - the University where this training session will take place - however, we anticipate being able to take sign ups by late next week.

Any questions let us know!
Hey everyone - there's 4 spots left for the Ohio training class - and it's over 2 months away. The Washington class happening next month still has plenty of seats. For anyone with questions on what these classes cover and include, please either see the first post of this thread, or else email us at: :contactus@starlitediesel.com
One spot left for Ohio class then it's full! First come first serve on that one. Class is towards the end of October.

The class THIS month in Washington still has several seats open. I'd love to get more people in the class and a wider range or trucks to potentially work on during the 2 day class - but we need more peeps!

Any questions on either class, please let us know. ContactUs@starlitediesel.com

Bellingham Washington EFILive Class

Our Washington Class is only 2 weeks away! We still have spots available so hurry and sign up while you can! It will be over a year before we are back to the area, so if you are from the West Coast, or Western Canada - take the opportunity! Contact Us, if you have any questions!