2015 3.0 PPL Rules

Once again I agree with you to a extent. PPL puts on a hell of a show but the problem is ppl and ntpa together probably account for less than 5% of the pulls in the country. From a puller stand point I hated both ppl pulls I went to this year and really don't care if I go to another. Couldn't watch any of the pull hardly at either one, had to sit in the pits waiting for them to come get you to weigh and all that B's. Went to a big itpa pull with a bigger spectator crowd than schied and it was a enjoyable experience. Just Burns my ass when people say the world should revolve around ppl they aren't the only quality group around. Just my opinion. I know others will differ.

Yea, again, I think the PPL/NTPA pulls aren't targeted for the low budget folks.

basically modify the local orgs rules to fit.
Yea, again, I think the PPL/NTPA pulls aren't targeted for the low budget folks.

basically modify the local orgs rules to fit.

The biggest problem I see is a lot of people want the local rules to match ppls. That works in most classes. I believe worked pretty good in 2.6. But killed 3.0 localy. Your still right ppl could care less they still have good numbers so who cares LOL
I don't have one so I could not say. Are the Hamilton heads taller? Why did they write the rule in the way that they did? What other reason for the rule is there? It all appears knee jerk to me!

The current Hamilton head is stock dimension and uses the stock length studs. The new one coming out will be illegal from what I understand so should I start crying because we may not be able to run them??? Nope just use what fits the rules or if you want to run them spend a bunch more money
I do agree with you. I does suck to have a bastard set of rules but it's for the best for most local orgs. Although I believe there is a very simple Turbo rule that would basically make a 7k Turbo worthless. 3.2x3.6 smooth bore. 2.6 and 3.0 combine. Basically a guy could take a 100% stock cast wheel 60 put a cover on it and make good power. Clipped wheel turbos are b's and everybody knows it.

The unlimited single trucks we all once knew were 1000-1100hp trucks with 100% stock short blocks, oem heads with no fancy intakes. Stock intercoolers and water injection only. Not the 2000hp+ the class would be today with 10k 4.5 turbos. A unlimited single class today wouldn't last a full year. $.02. I don't know how the economy is where you people live but ours does not support 100k+ pulling vehicles. I do agree there will always be people spend top dollar on everything but when we leave the rules open to do so, that's our own fault.

Turbos may be cheaper, but it would ruin the class. So you want to pull against Calvin Miller if he puts a set of DOT tires on? There have been plenty of good options suggested to limit the classes, but it is obvious there is no plan to do so.

Do any of the open turbo classes run a $10K turbo? :) If so I would think that would discredit the above thought.

The point is the way the rules are now, you have to spend lots of money to increase airflow into the engine and still pass the "3.0 inch" inlet rule. That is where the cost is in the turbos. If people were able to just use the larger wheels and not pay all the money to make them fit into smaller housings with fancy "MAP" groves the cost would be less. If someone wanted to spend money with a company to improve a turbo that is already out there or build one from scratch, there is nothing stopping them. No matter what rules package you pass it won't ever limit how much a person is willing to spend.

I am all for limiting the class. The current turbo situation is only limiting those who can't afford the big dollar turbos. It is neither limiting power or costs. If cost is your concern then allow bigger turbos. If power is a concern then go to an approved box stock part number turbo. If money is a concern I wish I had an answer!
I understand your concept, but you cannot remove the compressor wheel limit. As mentioned a few times previous the class would benefit from a 3.6" smoothbore turbo rule.
I understand your concept, but you cannot remove the compressor wheel limit. As mentioned a few times previous the class would benefit from a 3.6" smoothbore turbo rule.

You mean you don't want to see someone try and run a H100?
Originally the head rule was brought up to be no billet heads. The head rule shouldn't be left wide open. If you want a billet head there is a class for you. PPL let this class get out of hand and it's going to show it's face this year. If they would have kept a handle on the Turbo/hp and kept everything at a decent level to where a deckplate engine wasn't needed to just keep a engine together I think we wouldn't be having any discussions. If this class was 1300hp Odl it would thrive. 2.6 will take it's place.

I hear ya and I think we agree, limiting the turbo properly makes a lot of other stuff fall buy the wayside.
If PPL cared they would have had more discussion before coming up with poorly written and misguided rules. I can understand them not proposing potential rule changes in a place like this, but the Badger State Tractor Pullers, East Coast Pullers, Empire State Pullers, Nebraska Bush Pullers, Ohio State Tractor Pullers, Power Pulling Productions, and the Southern Pullers Association recently had or will have shortly their year end meeting. PPL representatives attend those meetings. In our club each class had a break out session discussing things pertaining to that class. If these rules were presented for discussion I am sure that some good feedback could have been considered before the final decision was made.
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PPL contacted our class back in November and asked our opinions on the rules. Our class rep contacted each one of us and then relayed that to PPL. I would guess they asked the other groups as well
I do not think that happened everywhere. I could be wrong tho
Ppl said OEM replica head but has not clarified the OEM manifold bolt location I asked about it but no response.
If the requirement is OEM head and OEM dimensions... HOW can ANY aftermarket head be legally be used??? Also, how can any Cummins head OEM or not with the intake milled off to use an aftermarket fabricated intake manifold be run legally as it is not OEM dimensions after the intake is removed????

Have any clarifications came from PPL yet???
Over three weeks now. I guess we all are being ignored. Sad!
I also emailed them a couple months ago, with no response. I have talked to a couple big name shops that agree the rules are a bit "BLURRY" and have claimed they told PPL how to word the rules. The funny thing to me is they already have plans for 2016 rules but fail to fix the 2015 rules. Yes very sad!