47RE: the intermediate shaft selective spacer


New member
Jun 28, 2021
I am in the final assembly stages of my 47RE transmission.

I took the necessary measurement to determine the proper thickness of the "intermediate shaft selective spacer" (see attached photocopy from ASTG manual).

The spacer I need should be 0.194 inches thick.

The spacer that I have is 0.176 inches thick

I ordered the proper thickness spacer from Vista Transmission Parts ($15), but I am not certain that it will arrive here before this Saturday (the day that I would like to install this transmission into the truck).

My question is: Is there an alternative way to compensate for the additional thrust clearance if I end up having to use this thinner spacer? Hope my question is clear.

Hate to rush things, but I am pressed for time and I wanted to get this transmission installed before the weather gets too cold.


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Ya use thicker shims at pump and intermediate shaft. I use the thickest in overdrive end of intermediate to help with overall unit endplay. Some may disagree with me but this works for me. I shoot for .040 to .060 total end play.