48re front band adjustment went in very far. Bad sign?


So mad
Dec 19, 2009
Truck has 130k or so on it, never been adjusted as far as owner knows. Trans was just shifting like crap if it wanted to shift at all. I broke the jam nut loose, and the adjuster went it so far that it actually recedes into the jam nut a little, about 1 thread is showing INSIDE the jam nut. Does that just mean the band is on its last legs, or could the adjuster or lever be broken/bent inside? Trans does shift perfect now, but I'm afraid it won't for very long with the extreme (in my mind) adjustment that was required.
Most likely needs a new band. Best thing to do is pull the pan and see what's going on bud
Bad sign for sure. If it's a bent strut it will just continue to bend and if it's a worn out band it can ruin the front drum.

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Most of the 48RE's I have been into the front band was in bad shape.
Ok thanks. Wasn't sure it was even possible for a band to wear down that bad. It must be much thicker than it looks when new.
Ok thanks. Wasn't sure it was even possible for a band to wear down that bad. It must be much thicker than it looks when new.

Oh yes, clear through the friction material so the metal band strap eats into the direct drum! The factory 5.0 lever really doesnt do it any favors either.