Air removal just marketing hype ?

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Ezekiel 25:17
Apr 21, 2006
That's the claim being made somewhere else.
What say you, Anthony?

As to the deal with air in the fuel, it’s just a gimmick, anyone that understands basic fluid dynamics on a non-compressible fluid will tell you that.
Not that either of those systems are a good filter and pump system, but that’s all that they are

They are good systems but don't get caught up in the hype.
Honestly, no matter what the answer is, we can't expect him to come out and say "Yeah, it's all hype"
you can still have liquid in a container and compress air into it, so dont they claim that the system removes those air bubbles?

I have questioned this before, so I'm curious to see what comes up.
Hype. Most modern fuel systems are set up to deal with some air and return the less desirable to tank. And if you are pulling air on the suction side FIX IT.
The thing i never understood is if the pump or filters remove the so called air in the fuel, where does the air go once its removed?
it all stems from back when the theory of cavitation causing the death of VP44 injection pumps... so the FASS was born!

turns out that was NOT the cause of VP44 pumps failing, but hey fear is a great motivator to hand over money, so it's been part of the marketing ever since
If the fuel system's suppose to "deal with it" If it didn't have to deal with it, wouldn't it perform better? :)
It's not like anyone buys an airdog or fass becuase of the air removal anyways, we buy them for the fuel pump and filter.
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