Alternator replacement brand ?


New member
Jul 30, 2017
My 2012 street/strip truck alternator seems to be bad . I only have one battery due to compounds .

No trailer will be attached.

What is a good alternator to replace it with .?

I replaced mine with a nothing special O'riley auto parts one probably straight out of wuhan 4yrs ago and has been fine.
I had it checked at two places and they say its good . i checked the belt before I pulled off and it did not appear to be slipping . I suppose I need to look at wiring ??
I had 3 places test my lb7 alternator cause all signs pointed to it. Finally just replaced it and problem solved
No problem with my NAPA alternator. 15V at all times, seems kind of high but no issues. I did melt a battery connection the other day but I think that's due to 14 year old stock cable ends.

Make sure you check the wiring that goes from the alternator to the battery.
When I installed my “mean green“ alternator I found they moved the connection locations to a more favorable position. The mean green gives more slack in the wiring.
Mean green gets my vote as far as my next replacement, although I'm having good success with the varo zone job that's in mine right now.

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As long as the bearings and windings are good 9/10 times it just needs a diode pack and brushes. I've rebuilt 3 this way now and have had good luck. Usually it's less than 20 bucks for the parts.
When mine went out I was driving and got a warning beeping and warning light. I could smell melted plastic, I was close to the shop and ran back.
When I got there I shut it off, popped the hood and it was smoking. Then noticed a couple seconds later it was melting my positive battery cables.

I ended up cutting the cable to the alternator with bolt cutters. It would have burnt to the ground if I just pulled into the gas station I about did before driving back.
Replaced alternator with a new one from oreily and the problem is solved.

So much for them saying the old one was good !

Thanks for the help !