Another prophecy unfolding...


NGM Diesel
Jul 8, 2006
Israel calls for third temple to be started soon, very important, because anti-christ will assume the temple and call himself god 3.5 years into the great tribulation. the rapture of the Born again believers will happen in the immidiate time period of ground being broke to build the temple. temple should take about 3 years from start to finish!

plans are to put it right where the dome of the rock is. iknow it will be a problem with the muslims, but i know if the bible says it will WILL happen!
i not what most people would call a churchy person, honestly dont know a damn thing about the book and dont care. here is my question though, how long have they know they needed to build 3rd temple for the second coming? dont you think they would of built it in the last 2000yrs if they knew it would save them or what ever they think will happen???
I pretty much refuse to believe a bunch of land squatting slaves get to dictate the course of humanity.
I say a lot have never read the Bible from beginning to end. One day every knee will bow one way or another just my .02$
One would think that with all the atheists in the world certainly one of them would have some credible documented evidence proving that The Bible is just a story of good moral living.

I always have heard that The Bible has never been disproven.
One would think that with all the atheists in the world certainly one of them would have some credible documented evidence proving that The Bible is just a story of good moral living.

I always have heard that The Bible has never been disproven.

But it has been proven?
If it hasn't been disproved isn't that proofed.

You don't believe with all our technologies and gizmos man can't disprove The Bible if it was possible.
Wade, I have gone around with you on the Bible. You have yet to prove you know anything but what you cut-paste from another website.
If it hasn't been disproved isn't that proofed.

You don't believe with all our technologies and gizmos man can't disprove The Bible if it was possible.

So if I say I can lift 10000lbs and you can't prove me wrong, then I must be able too? Or is it only if it's in a book?
If he is so powerful, can he make a rock so big, that he himself can't lift it?
How many times has "the return" been predicted to be at hand in the last 2000 years? No, I am not a believer, I've seen too many good people go way before their time, (cancer or some other terminal illness), because it was "Gods will" despite the countless people praying for them to be healed. Besides, Sunday mornings were made for beer and bacon! :Cheer:
One would think that with all the atheists in the world certainly one of them would have some credible documented evidence proving that The Bible is just a story of good moral living.

I always have heard that The Bible has never been disproven.
Ezekial saw the wheel, way up in the middle of the air.

Scott, I thought from more modern history, once a slave, always a slave, even 150-4000 years later :D

Let me ask this, are they going to pull their Armored caterpillars out of Palestinian villages in order to build the fortress that will be needed to keep it from being bombed over, and over, and over........
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