ANOTHER Texas trip in the making, by way of DENVER

I don't know if the Baby Truck guy is busy or not, and I've never met or talked to Max, that I know of.
I'm certainly not against socializing, just people seem to be busy on the weekends.

I'd do some Junk Yarding, but a truck and a 30 foot trailer is hard to drag around a city like Houston.
Plus, I'm not wild about disconnecting the trailer and leaving it in a motel parking lot all day.


Only 30FT! Add another 15FT on there and I might agree. :aiwebs_004:
It's actually closer TO 40'.
The 30' measurement is the deck the trucks sit on, doesn't include the gooseneck apparatus (hitch? LOL ) that pulls it.

It's a pretty light weight and low-slung trailer, but it has a LOT of rear hang behind the wheels, haven't connected with anything while turning back there, yet, but the time's coming.

Made it to Houston, did my deal there and scored 3 more 6.7 blocks, 5 6.7 cranks and a couple of NV4500 4wd tranny cores in decent shape.

I'm in Longview right now, on my way to Hot Springs Arkansas.

Not looking forward to the 6 inches of snow back home. :(

Made it to Houston, did my deal there and scored 3 more 6.7 blocks, 5 6.7 cranks and a couple of NV4500 4wd tranny cores in decent shape.

I'm in Longview right now, on my way to Hot Springs Arkansas.

Not looking forward to the 6 inches of snow back home. :(


I'm in the very NW corner of Mo right close to the Iowa line, and the snow is much deeper than I'd like it to be that's for sure! lol
I am currently in Hot Springs, AR.
I will be traveling through central Missouri on my route home.
I am planning on leaving either later today, or very early Thursday to be in south-central Missouri.

I am planning a trip to Maryland/Virginia for within the next 2-3 weeks.

IF I go, it will be around the DC area.
After all the crap that went down on this trip, I'll probably just solo out in the Dakota with the junk I have and cruise back.
I'm not sure I'm wild about buying more vehicles or trailers to do this crap with.
