CompD should be Cummins Forum

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trucks are slow
Oct 16, 2012
Does anyone actually come here for dmax info. All my Cummins brochachos sweat comp D but I just dont see it.:poke:
I posted the same thing on DD and they were all like "bish, check the name of the site"
I just don't get how you can call a Cummins site "competition diesel" I've never seen a Cummins do anything other than win smoke competitions
Hey look, a sled puller opened his mouth and exactly what you would expect came out....
you're the one that told me smoke was cool, I still do not get how your new rods are going to make it oral more coal
you're the one that told me smoke was cool, I still do not get how your new rods are going to make it oral more coal

Why would I get rods? My truck should make 800hp once I stack the tunes and do injectors. Plenty of coal
Why would I get rods? My truck should make 800hp once I stack the tunes and do injectors. Plenty of coal

Well, sweet, welcome to CompD. Check the "afc simplified" thread to tune your AFC. also, there is some good threads on HPOP mods for CP3. you should be well on your way to 800 with that hot unlock and maybe a set of 370 marines
**** whats an AFC? is it similar to an EGR because someone said I should block it but I cant find it.
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