Congratulations Tom Colesanti


You Bet!
May 2, 2006
Congratulations to Tom and Sara Colesanti on their new baby boy, born on 7/13! I will let Tom add more if he wants. Tom is deployed right now for those that don't know.

Congratulations to Tom and Sara Colesanti on their new baby boy, born on 7/13! I will let Tom add more if he wants. Tom is deployed right now for those that don't know.


holy smokes!!! congrats tom and sara!! looks like i'll have to go by and see the baby before tom!!!
Awesome. Baby girls rule! Congrats guys!!!
super congrats to Tom and Sara and welcome to the world little Tommy---chris
whats a grib??

congrats to Tom and Sara!!

Grib is the format used by the meteorological institutes of the world to transport and manipulate weather data and is the foundation of the forecasts we see around us in our daily life.

Okay, you know what I meant CRIB.

Thanks for the kind words, been quite a busy deployment. First came the crumb snatcher, and now I picked up Chief. I hope to be home in November and pulling again in full force next season for sure.

Thanks for the kind words, been quite a busy deployment. First came the crumb snatcher, and now I picked up Chief. I hope to be home in November and pulling again in full force next season for sure.


Congrats on the addition to the family and your selection, now all you have to do is make in into our mess ;) BOTW do I have a page future brother?

When you get finished shoot me a PM and tell me what you think about the process and thanks for leaning forward and doing the tough jobs.
