
The Pooler

Diesel Puller
Jun 11, 2007
I think this is awesome guys! Were can I get some decals? I need 6 black if possible. I will pay for them!
WTF are you talking about?

Whoa! Easy now. Rebecca and I hasn't always had are priorities straight but were getting there. Eveeyone needs faith wether you know it or not. Somtimes it takes a tradgedy to open peoples eyes. Reguardless of religon you still have hobbies and good times with friends. And if believing and serving god isn't cool in peoples eyes well....I guess Rebecca and I aren't cool.Thats just how we feel. Diesel Performance is great, We really enjoy it and thank god for the blessings he's given us with it; But it does not in anyway shape or form rule our lives!
Send me your address and I will send you ever how many you want to you! No charge, this is a mission of mine and as long as the Lord provides me with ability to do this I will. GOD Bless!
Sorry Guys Just didn't know what decals stacy was talking about! Nothin against god at all! But I still have no idea what decals you are talking about. The threads title is just DECALS??????????????????