Diesel Dirt Drag setup?


Dec 30, 2007
We are thinking about adding Diesel Dirt Drag racing to our pull in Middle GA. Do yall rent the lights and timing systems when you put it on at a pull track? Trying to figure out a way to try it out before we spend alot of money on the setup.
At our local track they have a red and green light at the starting line and guys sitting on either side at the end. First truck thru the cones wins and if there is any discrepancy run em again.
Wish they did it more often around here but the poor tow pig gets its rear handed to it anyways! LOL
the one I run in has a white line painted for start/finish and its a pinks style start you nod when spooled up and when both are ready he drops a flag... ppl at the finish line determine win/lose.

Well, our dirt drag track isn't packed tight lime a pull track so they get squirrely on the big end.
The ones I've run around here are normally held during the fair the night after the pulls. Have a full tree to start off of, and fellows at end of track determine winner.
We have to run one at a time down our track. It is not wide enough to run two trucks plus the track is crowned. So we need some kind of timing system.
Round my are they run them on the horse tracks at fairs. side by side and just drop the arms. only 200' long.
they are fun! ours have enough mud to make them interesting!!!
they are fun! ours have enough mud to make them interesting!!!

yea our tracks got two mud pits and in the center is the dirt drag track.. our track has its own wireless/portable timing system with a tree.. the tree just tells you when to go. It doesnt mean you have to leave like your on the dragstrip worrying about reaction times. Racers can just go when they are ready but of course this has to be in a timely fashion. Also our rules ban the use of non DOT or cut DOT tires. This makes it way more competitive The only exception to the rule is if the truck is 2wd and all other racers agree and so far no ones had a problem. The only problem we have is too many wussys showing up blowing smoke braging about how fast and great thier 4wd truck is (mostly powerstroke drivers and 3rd gen dodge owners) and then they wussy out of the race making up lame excuses.
i really want to run in one of these. anyone know of any around southern indiana
We are thinking about adding Diesel Dirt Drag racing to our pull in Middle GA. Do yall rent the lights and timing systems when you put it on at a pull track? Trying to figure out a way to try it out before we spend alot of money on the setup.

let me know when this is.and i'm there
let me know when this is.and i'm there

If i can find a portable tree and timing system to rent it will be in November. Still haven't gotten the details worked out yet. Ill let you know when we do.