F1 still in business?


New member
Feb 3, 2007
I'm thinking about upgrading my Flux 2 injectors with which I've been extremely pleased performance-wise, but notice many of the posts in this section go unanswered by F1 and some long-time vendors I've used, such as Source and Bob, as well as loyal users are no more.

Is F1 still an active vendor? If so, do they now supply spec sheets like the other companies?

The F1 web-site looks like it hasn't been updated in a while either.

I figured I would ask here first before calling other vendors listed on the web-site with whom I haven't had a previous sales relationship established yet...
I bought a set of mach 6s 6 months ago thru Tim Barber (TRE diesel) for my 4wd. I haven't heard anything about Don being out of the business, but I had to wait a bit for him to build me a set... actually I'm kicking around buying another set of mach 4s like I used to run, or 6s, for my 2wd- these 6s in the 4wd are unbelievebly clean for daily driving!
F1 is definitely still in business. The Difference is Don builds every set that leaves his shop. The reason they are some of the best injectors on the market. It just takes a little time to get them, but I'd rather wait for quality....
F1 is definitely still in business. The Difference is Don builds every set that leaves his shop. The reason they are some of the best injectors on the market. It just takes a little time to get them, but I'd rather wait for quality....

true don goes good work but I wish he would include some type of flow chart or even a page on repair work done. I sent my injectors back to him a month or so ago got a call from the vendor a few days later saying three injectors had to be repaired. the cost was $500 plus shipping. I asked what the problem was and I got a " I don't know" answer. No paper work at all in the box when I got them back
true don goes good work but I wish he would include some type of flow chart or even a page on repair work done. I sent my injectors back to him a month or so ago got a call from the vendor a few days later saying three injectors had to be repaired. the cost was $500 plus shipping. I asked what the problem was and I got a " I don't know" answer. No paper work at all in the box when I got them back

That's kind of at where I am now.

I had my Flux 2's checked out via Rip @ Source a year or so ago, but at least he explained in detail over the phone and emails what needed to be repaired and then listed these on his own invoice.

However, if would have been great if this as well as test flows at various pressures similar to what some other vendors are now doing were all on F1 letterhead in the shipment at least for chain-of-custody transparency.