Fass 95/180 pressure regulator


New member
Nov 11, 2007
Going to be installing my 95/180 in the next couple days. I have been looking at a couple different fuel setups on my freinds trucks that are running different fuel systems. I have decided I want to split my fuel line and dual feed my pump. I am wondering if it is a good or bad idea to take out my Overflow valve and run a line back to a pressure regulator to keep the pressure right around 45-50 psi. Have a couple friends who have done it this way and only see a 2-3 psi drop from idle to WOT. Can the fass handle this or is it better to just run the OFV?
The FASS has a pressure regulating spring/ball built into it with sprigs available, why mess w/ it? :confused: Also the port could be used for the regulator is you need to overcomplicate things

Don't make things more complicated then they have to be $.02
this is why i am asking not the best when it comes to setting them up but am trying to get it figured out
We do have some issue with OFV's popping off too soon and regulating pressure at the P-7100. This is an issue as the FASS needs to be in control or it will stop returning fuel back to the tank.

IF you want to run a regulator, i would suggest a flow control valve instead (Plus the valves only run $10-$30 bucks instead of $100+ for a regulator):


The reason that regulators dont play well with the FASS is that they are dependant on a pop off pressure to start returning fuel. The issue is that the FASS has this style regulator as well. You get 2 in one circuit, one is going to be loosing (not returning fuel). The FASS MUST control pressure in the system as it needs to return fuel to operate correctly.

The flow control valve is different. Its, more or less, an adjustable orifice. The trick is to apply the needed restriction to allow our system to pop off our regulator, and still return fuel though the P-Pump for cooling and air purge when needed. This would be ideal to run with the FASS and would actually work better than the OFV I believe.

IF I had a 12 Valve or Ford PSD, this is what I would do………
How much airflow do these need to stay cool? Thinking about possibly mounting it in my toolbox since my truck sees some offroad and some fairly deep water crossings that have already taken out a couple air horn silinoids. Rather not risk loosing a fuel pump and mount it up in my box but im worried no airflow that it might get to hot?
How much airflow do these need to stay cool? Thinking about possibly mounting it in my toolbox since my truck sees some offroad and some fairly deep water crossings that have already taken out a couple air horn silinoids. Rather not risk loosing a fuel pump and mount it up in my box but im worried no airflow that it might get to hot?

You should be fine...i seen a few done this way and they work fine.