

New member
Apr 28, 2006
I finally reached the pinnacle of my military career as I was advanced to
CWO4 on June 1st. I just confirmed it hit my bank account :Cheer:

I believe that is, Congrats.... Sir! Salute!!!
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Congrats Sir, way to make it to the top of the pile. Maybe some day for me but I dont know if The CWO route is for me yet.
Happens all the time on the phone, folks hear Chief and that's what call you :) no biggie to me.

I like the the new avatar buddy :)


Yep, I had a WO that did not like to be called Sir at all. I mean, you had too cuz thats the rules, but in private he was still Chief. :Cheer:

The avatar? Yeah, we get some crappy weather, but the sunsets are awesome. Glad you like it.
Congrats Scott! So I guess there is no CWO5? 4 is the highest?

In the Coast Guard we start CWO2 and max at CWO4

I belive the Navy starts at CWO1 and goes to CWO5 maybe Jim or Tom knows?

I know we start at WO1 up to CWO5. I think the navy may just go to CWO4 but not sure.