first hook

i wish they would had let me chang my hitch height. to over 26 inches.. lucky mid track. they say i could be at 30. lol.. ohh well..... ..z stroken... if the hitch height goes up to 30 on us 2x4s.. that would be just great.they is fun... i enjoy it....
Zstroken I liked the event and have no complaints. The hitch is something that will take time to change. In car drag racing the rules are amended as needed to make a equal field. As for the tech I understand the time and man power it takes to tech a field of trucks. Fellow pullers teching each other's trucks sounds like a good deal. There should be some guideline to follow on how it should be carried out. Dirt cars and drag cars have a similar rule with their motors. A fellow racer can ask for a tear down of another's motor. This is extreme in this hobby but we could do the same in power adders, adj. stops, or hitches.