Gap in new main seal


New member
Apr 12, 2017
I just replaced my rear main seal. It wasn’t leaking, but I figured since the engine was out of the truck, might as well replace it.

The install was simple enough, but once I finished up and inspected the new seal, I noticed there was a small gap in between the crank and seal on the right side. Isn’t it supposed to be tight against the crank all the way around? Did I get a defective seal??

I just replaced my rear main seal. It wasn’t leaking, but I figured since the engine was out of the truck, might as well replace it.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.....:bang
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Ive seen them have a gap like that a lot when you pull out the plastic sleeve and it stretches them, usually they go back down. Never had one leak that looked like that.

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Once the engine temp gets up, it should tighten up. I’ve had front and rear seals do this occasionally.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.....:bang

I had my trans out and didnt replace the rear main seal because it didnt leak. I must have rattled it around too much because it started leaking immediately after.
Yea, I bet it will go back. Also, that's more like the dust cover. The teflon seal is on the other side and you can't see it when installed.