Give me your thoughts on this housing machined for G trim HX82


New member
Aug 22, 2012
So I figured I would send my housing out to get machined cause I have too much else to do. It is a T18A housing that I had machined to fit a HX82 G trim wheel. While the profile looks great the depth that it is machined at leaves me unhappy with the over all job. The radius doesn't extend to the inducer diameter. The housing should have been machined to allow the entire bearing housing to sit deeper in the turbine housing.

Is this what is typically being done and considered as acceptable or does this shop just do things 1/2 way?

I typically do things myself because I don't trust any one else to do it right. I thought I could save myself some time but looks like I just wasted a bunch of money. I could send it back and tell them how to do the job right but do I trust them not to screw it up even worse?


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Exducer side is good. The profile and clearances look great just not machined at the proper depth. I think I'm going to run it for now. This is my first attempt at running this big a turbo and I'm not sure if this housing is what I need for sure or not.