GM NVG 246 Transfer Case Issue


Jan 25, 2008
This isn’t diesel related but I thought maybe one of you fellows could help me out. I have a 2003 Avalanche with the NVG 246 Transfer Case. My daughter drove it nonstop 300 miles to see a friend.

She had no problems until she got off the interstate and stopped at the light at the end of the ramp. When the light changed the truck wouldn’t move. She tried all the gears and it grabbed for a second in reverse. She tried 4-LO and 4-HI and it still wouldn’t pull. I forgot about the Auto 4X4 setting. A buddy told me to try that and it pulled itself off the road and into a parking lot.

It works for a little while but then stops pulling. It pulled itself up on a tilt trailer, but when I unloaded it I had to move it over a little on the trailer backing up then pulling up 3-4 times and then it wouldn’t back itself up enough for the trailer to tilt. I think it gets hot and stops. I got it on a lift today and drained and replaced the fluid with the proper GM fluid. I had hoped that maybe the fluid level was low, but it was full. The fluid was the right color of blue/green, so I’d say it had the correct fluid in it. It wasn’t overly dark, didn’t smell any different than the new stuff, and I didn’t see any trash in it.

Any ideas or do I just need to pull it apart?
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