GRRRRR... Sirius broken


Administrator and Head Thread Derailer
Apr 3, 2006
Well I was getting "Acquiring Signal" on the Sporster for a day or so and wrote it off to heavy cloud cover and storms....until it cleared up yesterday. Called Sirius, they had me go through some kind of reset procedure, and nothing. Got sent to warranty, and they want ME to send it to them so they can send me another. this will take 10 days, and I have to remove the WHOLE FREAKING THING! Antenna, Mounting bracket..all of that and ship it to them. I think UI just have a bad antenna... You guys have any guesses?
get a spare antenna, hook it up and just run it out the window and see if you get a signal....
I was thinkinking of trying that, or putting the unit in one of those boomboxes at radioshack to see if it will work there.
yea, that's another idea. not too familiar with that unit, but if you can do that, definitely a way to eliminate the unit as suspect...
I cant imagine the unit going bad. It is less than 3 months old
Timbeaux38 said:
I was thinkinking of trying that, or putting the unit in one of those boomboxes at radioshack to see if it will work there.

I think thats a good Idea. Do that first, and then go from there. I hate dealing with warrentees,........them people really:dead-horse-fast2: me
Well...I bought my Dad the same unit for his trucks.
The first one lasted 1 1/2 months before it died.
Cloud cover should make NO difference in reception, I've been running XM for a year through some of the nastiest weather I have ever had the displeasure to drive through and had 0 signal problems. It does sound like a bad antenna to me, more likely a bad spot in the wire allowing the wire to ground itself out. Try this, trace out your antenna wire and look for any bare wire, the coating on the wires is very thin and easy to peel, if it is bare and touches metal you will get no signal.
i have the xact, im on my second one, the antennae plug in on the bottom of the reciever broke off, and i had to get a new antennae from wal mart for my home kit and now it works, btw my antenna thing on the bottom of my reciever broke off cause everytime i went into my house i would take it in and dock it in my home kit, and moving it alot made it break easy now i dont move my new reciever as much