Heads up, diesel fuel testing


Turbo Geek
Nov 22, 2006
You can contact Rick or RJ for more details but here's the basics:

There are no plans to routinely test fuel; however if your truck really calls attention to itself, and/or someone protests you, this is what will be done.

2 styrofoam cups stacked together
Fill with fuel
5 minutes duration

Both cups should remain intact and be separable without falling apart.

Note, commecially available cetane boost applied at very heavy rates (more than recommended) ate right through the cups.

While this is not PhD level high science, the point was made, everyone can check your own fuel in your own shop to know whether or not you are at risk. So check yo self befo' yo wreck yo self!

Fuel samples will be taken as close to the pump as possible. If you have multiple tanks / lines, then they will sample them all.

Don't shoot the messenger LOL
What will happen to violators of the micky mouse club house approved test?
What will happen to violators of the micky mouse club house approved test?

Last I heard, your beloved outfit ran about the same test.

DQ for that hook, have to get checked at next hook before pulling. Fail that and you're in deep doodoo.
Introducing the new USA east nitrous sniffer...


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I will never lose it...im sure ricky thought I forgot about him.....or at least hoped I forgot......

I do how ever like where you said contact rick or rj....I can just see that....hey Rick.....fuel test....as he shakes his jaw and rubs his head saying whoaaa thats way to technical for me ...im just the promoter.....you gonna have to ask RJ.....then RJ will tell ya what you wanna hear to your face and do just the opposite behind you back and blame rick!!! pretty sure that's how it goes anyhow....
So, Is there Like a certain brand cup that like we should be using..... Like Im sure all brands are not Like created equal ya know?
So, Is there Like a certain brand cup that like we should be using..... Like Im sure all brands are not Like created equal ya know?

There should be a sanctioned cup. Good idea.
I say run what ever you want. I've never understood fuel testing unless they are going to provide the fuel for each vehicle. Hell some pump fuel will fail a cup test straight out of the nozzle at the pump!!!!!!!
I say run what ever you want. I've never understood fuel testing unless they are going to provide the fuel for each vehicle. Hell some pump fuel will fail a cup test straight out of the nozzle at the pump!!!!!!!
:thankyou2: I have seen this as well!
If you're in PPL, run whatever Haisley runs, and you're good to go.
Let's have the pullers make a rule more legit then this dumb fuel test. Promotors who crash golf carts into pullin trucks should have to take a field sobriety test. Sight on seen!!! Such neglect should not be tolerated.
We did some testing with cetane on the dyno. Couldn't find 1hp anywhere on the curve.

Sledpulling>drag racing......LOL
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