Help out a military spouse's small business


Too much is never enough!
Jan 7, 2008
Who doesn't like random t-shirts? And who doesn't want to help a struggling veteran (yeah I played that card. LOL) It took a long time for my wife to realize there was end to the money, she maxed all of our credit cards trying to keep the business open. And a very slow winter season and a couple experimental employees really screwed us over. Furthermore, she has realized I was right all along about how to run a business, but without some help, her dreams will end in the next two months.

I almost hate to do this, but frankly, we need a little bit of assistance from anyone who is willing and able to help. We would never ask for hand outs, so this seemed like a decent way to try and funds, the commercials make it sounds feasible at least. Please support if you can, and spread the word if able. Thank you all!!

And before anyone complains about me trying to sell something and not being a vendor, I recieved permission. I will also be posting this in other areas of the forum...just to be a huge douche. LOL

A bit off topic,

Are those your wife's cakes in your avatar?LOL

If so, im buying a shirt.
Bumping this up before bed...yeah, I'm getting old. LOL
Thanks bro...and thanks for the sticker and coozie!!

The gap between more and enough never changes.
Thanks dude!!

I answered and you still haven't bought a shirt....

Anyone else need a shirt or an expensive shop rag? LOL

Alright alright....

I'd ask for a personal sample of the "cakes", but maybe that'd be asking too muchLOL
Thank you guys for the support. Please spread the word if you can!

And bump to the top. LOL

The gap between more and enough never changes.
Just a bump.

The gap between more and enough never changes.
About ten days left guys!!!

The gap between more and enough never changes.
I will be so why not!

The gap between more and enough never changes.
Except I'll rock a purple one.

The gap between more and enough never changes.
About a week left! Need to sell six more at a minimum to have them made.

The gap between more and enough never changes.