How do you filter WMO with filter socks?


Never enough
Jul 14, 2008
If you have a link or site to filtering, please post it up.

If not then just tell me how you filter your wmo and watf.

Can I put the socks in side of each, starting with the biggest micron to smallest mic sock or no?

I will only be doing a few gallons at a time. So I'd just like a simple efficent way.

55 gallon drum or smaller what ever u prefer, hand drum pump or electric, inline screw on 10 micron filter... works on just about everything except watery oils
I filter veggie by first pouring it through some blue jeans then filter it through 2 10 micron house filters.
For filtering through socks - yes you just nest them inside each other. The bigger on the inside. Then just pour it through. I usused to double up on the 2 micron to get a higher efficiency. Depending on what type of filter you are using, you just turn inside out and rinse to clean....

By nesting you drastically increase your filter life length.

What's a good step of microns for oil with 3-10k miles?

Should I go 25, 10, 5, 2?

How long does it typically take for say 6-10 gallons? Just a rough estimate.

Thanks for the info.
Yes, 25, 10, 5, 2, and 2. You can use a 5 gallon jug from homedepot to help support the filters. I would make sure and put a magnet on the side to help get any metal particles.

Rough estimate - 10-15 minutes maybe. If you can heat the oil a little, it will help it flow through the filters better. Depending on what filters you end up with- you can get the oil up to 200 degrees and it will flow super fast...

I just run a 25-10-1 micron filter setup. I roll the drum outside in the morning and leave it in the sun to warm it up a bit before filtering it. I run as high as a 50/50 mix. It does give a slight haze at idle though.
When I used to make my own bio a few years ago I would filter it from the resturant trap through paniehose and through a 10micron filter into my fuel tank. I did this for over a year and never had any ff clogging problems. Like mentioned before, it all depends on the quality of your wvo.
10 micron is about all u can hand pump comfortably... any smaller and electric pump is needed imo. also 10 micron is what is on my truck so imo 10 is good to filter w/. also ive ran 2 tanks of 95% used trans fluid. a tad smokey, a very slight power decrease. in my experience 50% waste oil is the most i could run w/ no ill effects. when running high waste oil ratio's i feel the need to change filters more often as the oil and filters look dirtier.

i burned WATF in my truck for 6 months, saved a lot on fuel cost, but...... i ended up going through 3 sets of glow plugs, a set of injectors and heads that had a buildup of carbon that had to be knocked off w/ a punch. i would run it through a 20, 10 and a 2 micron filter w/ a powerful magnet. it ran good other than that. there is so much gunk in WATF, it's near impossible to get it all out. water, friction modifiers, metal, asbestos, carbon..........
now i am much more informed. the ideal filter is a centrifuge, 15 gph and be done. i will get it for free now where i was paying a dollar a gallon before. i spend 6000.00 a year on fuel right now and think i can get a kit centrifuge going for under 500.00 so it won't take long to step up to a 6000 rpm monster.