HPOP failing?

As said, low HPO with high IPR DC.

What's the truck doin?
it shuts off at idle and also on deceleration. it restarts and dies again unless the rpm"s are above 1100 or so
You have access to any type of scanner? You need to verify ICP is dropping off and causin it.

Still a mechanical fuel pump?
What does ICP do when it stalls? Is IPR DC climbing like crazy as it stalls out and ICP drops?
How many miles on the pump / IPR?

IPR usually goes before the pump. And half the time the IPR o-rings are the culprit.
My bet is a injector spool or ipr sticking dumping oil out the port.
7.3's don't have spool valves.

They have poppets. Poppets usually aren't gonna shut a truck down, even if they're wide open.
Yes they will shut a truck down, I had a bad Mini-Me form David Lott who had industrial build them back in the day and one hung the oil side open and the truck would flat out die at an oil temp over 140* and could not build enough pressure to start until it cooled down and that was with the stealth dual pumps.
Didn't say it couldn't happen.

It's just not at the top of the list on 7.3's.