I made my first hook tonight!


Inmate #28
Feb 16, 2007
HOLY CRAP that was fun!!! I wanna do it again.
My truck is an 01 dodge reg cab that is virtually stock. All I've done to it is add a Dr. P module. I hooked in the stock diesel class tonight and pulled 123.33 on a stock clutch. And! I still have a clutch left!
Yeah I have a video........... kinda crappy one, but thanks for trying Halston!
But the camera went home with my mom..........
I'll post it when I can. Too bad there was no smellavision so you guys could smell how much I abused my stock clutch. LOL
Here's the video......... Once I get to see it in a bigger screen......... yeah, I need to learn to operate the clutch while pulling a little better. LOL

Thanks for the congrats n stuff guys! I had so much fun! And what they say is true, once is never enough I wanna do it again!
nice job anna :Cheer:

i think you made more gray smoke then black smoke :hehe:

? did you pull 26" or 30" hitch hieght?
I didn't see any black smoke!!!!
My truck doesn't really smoke much anyways. But, I don't think I ever really got into the powerband. But oh well, there's always next time. I know what not to do now.
I didn't see any black smoke!!!!
My truck doesn't really smoke much anyways. But, I don't think I ever really got into the powerband. But oh well, there's always next time. I know what not to do now.

I dont think we need any smellvision. There was enough white smoke rollin from the bell housing you could smell it throught the speakers.LOL
Wow did you actually release the clutch fully? Next time Second gear and just release the clutch fully then floor it.
I pulled in 2nd gear and I never fully released the clutch although I meant too........ Just one of those hind sight things. LOL
Everyone told me to let off the clutch and floor it, but to push the clutch back in if the motor bogged. It just all happened so fast and I was so shocked that I was actually making the sled move that my brain couldn't catch up.