Jesus Christ loves YOU

I do deserve to be made fun of when I don't take the time to proofread but all jokes aside since we're here if I can ask you guys to say a little pray for me my ex wife is trying to remove the kids from the state I was served with papers yesterday we split custody 50-50 it's all fun and games until kids are involved my son is 12 and my daughter is going to be 7 thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated

We can surely pray for ya. I just found out that my mom has stage 2 endometrial cancer about 5 minutes if you would, add that to the prayer list. :(

My family's praying for both you guys. Absolutely nothing good about divorce or cancer.
God is Good

This is a great section in this forum. Thank you, I was encouraged reading through it. I needed a "refresh" today, life has a way of beating a guy down by Wednesday.

I too see regularly how God works the events in our lives and aligns things for good. I also see how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled daily in world events. These are wild times that we are living in. "Buckle Up, and Hang on".
God must have a sense of humor. I wonder what his threshold is? What is the tipping point where he decides there is enough stupid in the world and turns us all into flaming piles of goo?
One on my best friends who teaches our adult Sunday school class uses that all the time.
I'm glad I caught this thread today. I've had A LOT of family issues over the past few years that have turned me into a bad person.. I've been talking for weeks and months of how I need to start going back to church. Weekend after weekend I keep putting it off and making excuses. Pure laziness... But, for the first time in a long time, I prayed last night. I feel like that was a big step for me. I'll say stuff here and there like please give me strength through this, but that doesn't really count. The turning point for me was 4 weeks ago in the sauna at the gym of all places. A guy that was a freshman in college was talking to this girl next to me. They were obviously friends already. But he was telling her about the Lord with so much passion that it made me stop and think about my faith. I had my headphones in and was pretending to mind my own business but I was hanging on to every he was saying. That was the first and the last time I have seen him there...
That conversation you overheard was conviction for you. That was divine for it to have happened like that. You're on the right track now. Don't quit seeking God and always pray. Pray about everything. Dr. David Jeramiah once said that you should take a piece of paper and write "worry list" at the top. Write down everything you are worried about and once the list is complete. Scratch out "worry list" and write in "prayer list".