JGS DP BOV setup notes


Dec 26, 2011
Here's some info and possible caveats about my bov system.

1- its not going to give a huge ricer-like kkkkwhhhooosh, sorry. More of a quick shht when its setup right.
2- Expect some low load / low boost venting, unavoidable when you have a no drive psi / more boost than the spring can handle situation. Doesn't hurt the turbo, its normal on gas turbo motors. IF it happens at moderate loads the regulator is too high and/or not enough spring.

We will be attempting to improve on some of the low load venting, tuned in right its not a big deal but I think I have an idea to make it better.
I need to do more tuning with mine, but so far Im no super happy with it. It either leaks so much its hard to spool the turbo, or it doesnt blow off right. I cant find the inbetween.
it doesnt blow off right. I cant find the inbetween.

Describe doesn't blow off "right"?

Its not like I tried to re-invent the wheel, others had manged to use the DP BOV method before me.
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It basicly wont open, still barking the turbo very hard. I think Im going to come up with some assortment of regulators and gauges to try and "bench set" it close, and then go from there.

It was leaking under low boost, causing "lag" that I fixed by adding the second spring, but now of course it wont open when i need it to. I havent done a ton of tuning with it, and am afraid that by time I figure it out the turbo is already gonna be hurt!
And maybe its not that Im not happy with your product, because it is very nice stuff for sure!! I need to spend more time with it!
Gage the reg for around 4 psi and work up from there.
Do you have a drive pressure gauge?
I do not, and I know that would be helpful tuning this thing!