Marine Corps OCS

straight 6 roar

New member
Nov 7, 2010
Just got accepted into OCS for Summer 2011. Feels fantastic, can't wait to give it a whack.

Any words of wisdom from you guys that have been through it?
Congrats man!!!! I can't tell you about OCS but the Marine Corps is a sweet gig!!
Yup, wish I could stay grunt! I want to deploy again, I've got some unfinished business over there lol. Best of luck to you!
Just got accepted into OCS for Summer 2011. Feels fantastic, can't wait to give it a whack.

Any words of wisdom from you guys that have been through it?

Run run run and run more. Do that and work on your pullups. You run more than navy ocs but they don't mess with you in the chow hall
USMC does **** a little different than the Navy or Army do, but I can tell you don't forget who you are. The board that okay'ed your packet looked at the whole person, not just a fact sheet. The military doesn't need useless leaders. Don't lose who you are. Remember, you're gonna have Joes that are into diesels, or boats, or muscle cars, or (gasp!) ricers. don't lose your ability to connect to them. The moment you lose that connection, you lose a very valuable tool in your leadership repertoire.
Thanks for the tips guys. Yep, my Selection Officer (Captain) has talked about positive but firm leadership, inspiring your men rather than chewing them out.

I'm shipping out in 10 days, my PFT is about a 285/300. Some intermittent pain in my calves but I'm determined to make it.
Fastest way to get dropped out of OCS is to compromise your integrity. A candidate in my platoon was dropped for lying about how many push-up's he did during morning PT. Second fastest way of getting dropped is to get injured. Unlike boot camp, you won't get recycled.

Be honest and stay healthy. And never, ever forget that if you make it to the fleet as an officer that you're a figure head. Your Marines will make you look like a hero or a zero. In other words, take care of them and they'll take care of you.
I don't have any wisdom about actual OCS, but I do have some wisdom for a Boot Lt to the fleet:

Listen to your SNCO Leadership. Just because you went to OCS/TBS Doesn't mean you are a SME (Subject Matter Expert).

Don't micro manage either, let us, as Staff Non-Commissioned Officers do what we do best... Make **** happen.

Do you know what MOS you want to do?
think youll have to do a little more than "give it a whack"

It's probably going to be the hardest 6 weeks of my life, whack wasn't the right word.

MOS 7523 is what I'm clawing toward. I'll make sure not to forget about the NCO's.

Shipping at 0600 tomorrow, be back July 8th a changed man. Thanks gentlemen.
I don't have any wisdom about actual OCS, but I do have some wisdom for a Boot Lt to the fleet:

Listen to your SNCO Leadership. Just because you went to OCS/TBS Doesn't mean you are a SME (Subject Matter Expert).

Don't micro manage either, let us, as Staff Non-Commissioned Officers do what we do best... Make **** happen.

Do you know what MOS you want to do?

Too bad he's gonna get brainwashed and forget everything you said.

Otherwise.... Best advice anyone could ever give.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and good luck!
I made it through gentlemen! Lots of sleep deprivation, PT, and chaos but well worth it.

I'm not sure who is familiar with the Marine Corps and who isn't but, with the Marines the enlisted actually train the officers. So our instructors(GySgt's, SSgt's) made it damn clear that they would call us out and make a fool of us if we decide to micromanage and re-invent the wheel when we get our platoons. The role they explained to us was more of a supervisor rather than a manager, make it clear what you expect and if it doesn't get done start putting people on blast. I'll definitely be tapping into my SNCO's knowledge, as us newly commissioned officers have a lot to learn. Thanks for the advice gents, Semper Fi.
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you end up in Camp Pendleton look me up.