Mark Nixon review


New member
Feb 27, 2017
I want to start with, I know Mark has a pretty good name around here and it is not my intention to throw dirt on him, I want to present the facts of how our deal went so others can make an educated informed decission when buying.

6/11/18 Mark responded to me saying he had a turbo elbow I was looking for, since I had seen him on the forums I asked about parts for a manual transmission conversion on my truck. We went over what I needed and negotiated a price.

6/12 after double checking I had everything I was going to need I sent funds via paypal with the understanded that Mark said it would be about a week before he would be able to pull and ship.

6/29 I reached out to Mark to see how progress was going on my parts. Mark responded to my text asking for the list again, and said he had most of it pulled but got side tracked and had bad weather.

7/17 I called him and don't remember all the details of the call but he was apologetic, said he had been busy and the weather had been really bad and still hadn't got all the parts, he must have asked again for my list and address because I have a message showing I sent it again.

7/20 I sent a message asking for confirmation that he received my list via text, he responded that he did.

8/4/18 I sent another text asking about my stuff

8/6 he said he would get the rest of the stuff pulled and shipped by Friday

8/19 I called for an update, I don't remember all that was said but the basics was Mark was apologetic and said he has had bad weather, been busy, lacking motivation, the console and shifter parts he thought were good ended up being damaged and he was looking for more parts for me. I asked him to please ship the pedals and turbo elbow so I could atleast get my trans and turbo swapped, I could do the trim pieces later. He said he would. I show text messages again showing I sent my address and my list of parts.

8/20 I text asking if the master cylinder and clutch safety switch were included with the pedals and if not how much extra. He said they were not included but would check to see if he had some.

9/4 I sent a message asking for an update, didn't get a response so I called. Pretty much same response as before, sorry, he took the blame, said he was going to have to partially refund me since all he had was my turbo elbow but might be able to get me pedals. I asked him to be upfront with me because I was tired of waiting and wanted to get my transmission swapped before winter. He said he would let me know in 2 days if he could get my pedals. I also asked to let me know how much the elbow and pedals were going to cost me before he ships

9/6/18 I called Mark and decided I didn't want to wait anymore, I located the parts elsewhere and asked for a refund. He appologized and quickly sent me a refund via PayPal.

So to cap all this off. Mark ALWAYS answered my calls, texts not so much. He seemed like a nice older guy that is very busy. My biggest gripe is getting dragged on for so long with promise after promise and missing the nice weather and multiple opportunities with time off work to swap the transmission. I don't know if he was lying to me along the way, or had good intentions and life got in the way. I'm a positive person and from my conversations and the fact he followed through on the refund quickly I lean toward he had positive intentions and life happened.

Anyways, Mark, feel free to correct anything I mis spoke about. I did my best from my notes and messages to represent our deal honestly.
Yeah, Mark seems to be swinging pretty far to the left lately... Spending too much time with Charger and allen5oh. Lol ��
Yeah, Mark seems to be swinging pretty far to the left lately... Spending too much time with Charger and allen5oh. Lol ��

I took it as he has a strong dis-like and or dis-trust of all government. Then again don't we all to some point. Also Mark may take offence to the "older guy" statement as well! :lolly:
well we could call him Short and Really hurt his Feeling LOL . Just Joking Buddy :) Next to me he's a Midget . Dealt with Mark for year's I think right now he's just down in the dump's but he will swing back Don't worry . He may be slow at times but so far he's All way's Been Honest .
Baron, no hard feelings on my end, but apparently there are some on yours.
You have your funds and my best wishes to you in your endeavors. :cool:

For the record:

I like Trump just fine, even an idiot is better than an evil woman with an agenda.
As I have said before, the lesser of 2 evils doesn't diminish the evil.
My avatar is less a knock against DJT and more of a try at a sense of humor. I found it to be hilarious.
Somewhere on here is the GIF I stole it from.

If you think I'm "Leftist" or "Neocon", you're wrong!
Both ideologies have major issues and are the exact reason we have divisions over stupid schit like politics.

I am also NOT a Statist.
Government, and the belief in it, is truly the whole problem with society and, again, yet another reason why people choose to be divided.

In response to the jabs about my AGE, I am 48 years old.
That's young to some, ancient to others, as such, I get lazy, I get cranky, I get forgetful.
It's a part of who I am and no apologies are offered.

With respect to my height:
Simplysmn, ol' buddy, please stop picking on us poor, poor vertically challenged peeps! :hehe:

You're short? Dang, I hope you're not a ginger as well.
Baron, no hard feelings on my end, but apparently there are some on yours.
You have your funds and my best wishes to you in your endeavors. :cool:


Mark you completely miss the point of Baron's feedback on your failed transaction with him here.
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Mark you completely miss the point of Baron's feedback on your failed transaction with him here.

It's spelled AVATAR!

Charger what's it feel like to be a puppet yourself?

I've personally never had a hand up my ass, but your kind rolls that way all too often.
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LOL ohhhh lawd....this post is going south REAL quick!
Baron, no hard feelings on my end, but apparently there are some on yours.
You have your funds and my best wishes to you in your endeavors. :cool:


No hard feelings on my side. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I don't feel you took advantage of me. Like I said above, I feel life happened and you were stand up when I asked for a refund you took the blame and appologized as well as quickly reimbursed my money. My gripe was the fact you made multiple commitments to ship and it didn't happen. Life happens and we move on. I hope the best for you Mark.
No hard feelings on my side. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I don't feel you took advantage of me. Like I said above, I feel life happened and you were stand up when I asked for a refund you took the blame and appologized as well as quickly reimbursed my money. My gripe was the fact you made multiple commitments to ship and it didn't happen. Life happens and we move on. I hope the best for you Mark.

I'm sorry I let you down on this deal and I appreciate your actual honesty in the timeline of events.
You're a stand-up type of guy, from beginning to end. :cool:
