My Engine Idea

Dayum, Arch. The raffle for the John Deere gator was last Saturday night and unfortunately, they didn't draw your name. Thanks again thought for supporting the kids!
Thanks fellas. I'll always be on here. At the very least, I enjoy other peoples builds and ideas.

Yes, the first gen pulling truck is for sale. I listed it sometime ago with very little interest. If anyone was thinking about it, now is the time.

Should I bump up the for sale adds? Now that the mobile device is gone, folks will have to call a speak with me instead of texting seemingly forever only to leave me with wasted time.
So you bought up all that premium equipment and you're not going to use it???
Sorry for the absence. Nothing new to report on the crazy ideas. As much as I want to take the time to pursue them, I've managed to get myself back to reality. That old adage "A fool and his money are soon to part" describes my situation to a T. I have begun rebuilding the nest egg I have pilfered away in the last several months.

I have no one to blame but myself as I am the one who chose to throttle the 'Crazy Train' I created.

I am no longer perusing the Ultimate Callout Challenge and probably never will. I apologize to those who were sorta rooting for me. Had I kept my sense about me, I would have never entered to begin with.

Stalnaker Racing Services no longer exist nor does the cell phone, E-mail account, and credit card machine associated with that business.

I will be selling all the high priced items I've purchased at reduced cost in an effort to simply pay my federal taxes coming due in May. Please look back through my 'for sale' post. If you see something you like, shoot me a PM with an offer. You just might get a 'smok'n' deal.

My only interest right now are to finish the responsibilities I have promised and get back to generating income for my family. I thank God above they are still here with me. I would have given up on someone like me a long time ago.

I have absolutely no interest in racing of any kind now or in the foreseeable future.

Again, my apologies go out to ones I affected with my ridiculous craziness.


So did you just have a weak moment? Ill thought out business plan, or? As a person who gave up truck pulling, I have realized that my retirement funds have grown substantially since. I kind of gave it up as our kids were of an age that they had become so involved with sports and activities, my truck had sat for over a hear. The growing of retirement was just a side effect. LOL happens..hence the end of my motorcycle racing career as while it lasted aye man!
:hehe: I hear ya, but I still have my hooptie and goodies for it, just taking care of priorities first, rejuvenate the funds, then hit on it again.

I was gonna say, your projects may or may not be completed (ever), but you are not parting with anything. LOL