My son wants to get saved!

And someone else on here will say he doesn't exist. Crap, now it's your word against theirs? Hmmmmm who to believe.

If it wasn't for common sense, I'd have an easier time believing you guys. Ah well, one day you guys may be able to talk about this whole issue without sounding like you're brain washed. Until then, I guess I'll just continue to wait and see what happens. It's just easier for me then being someones slave.

It's good you don't believe me, or "us" - faith in fellow man always precedes failure... God only asks that you believe Him.
Instead of waiting around to see what happens, why not be proactive & see what His word says against all others?

Retrospectively, I've found 20/20 hindsight clearly reveals the secular brainwashing & slavery to sin naturally abundant in life prior to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ.

To truly save him, teach him this......


Honestly, it's far better to teach them not to trust ANY pedophile with a boner, regardless of what they're wearing!

I don't think this forum has ever gotten a strait, black and white, factoid of an answer. If so, link me please.

I don't care for this saved gibberish. I prefer logic to my life. Facts. You won't convince me that a fairytale is true.

You can hardly expect a philosophical-esque discussion of eternal matters to abound with concise clarity of understanding in an arena so desperately in need of spell-check...

but this is of no consequence to you; wisely, you prefer straight answers, black & white factoids, logic and facts - fortunately, all that you seek is found between "In the beginning, God" & "Jesus Christ be with you" (that's Genesis to Revelation: first & last words of the Bible - see, you might've learned something already... though by osmosis, as it were).

I challenge you to read the Bible - with skepticism if you must - and decide for yourself; other people with bigger brains & darker hearts than you & I have infamously embarked on crusades to debunk God's word... they not only failed miserably in their self-appointed task, no - they also came to the irrefutable conclusion that God is who He says He is, and that His word is infallible.

For everyone:
Our great country makes it possible to take offense or disagree with Christianity in general or Jesus-lovers in particular without real consequence; just remember, your beef or brief on the matter is with God - not man.
Like I always told the kids: "I didn't make this stuff up - if you don't like it, complain to God, not me!". :)
So, what is the age of accountability? And can you show us again, in or out of context, exactly when and how that occurs? I don't think this forum has ever gotten a strait, black and white, factoid of an answer. If so, link me please.
I don't care for this saved gibberish. I prefer logic to my life. Facts. You won't convince me that a fairytale is true.
And for the love of all that is spell check... USE IT!

Since you obviously refuse to wrap your head around the fact that there is no set age, I'll try to explain the best I can. I wish there was a way to apply pictures to this, it may help you.

It varies from person to person. Some people basically will never be accountable, extreme cases of mental retardation for example, no real concept of right and wrong. Highly intelligent children that have been raised in a Christian home would probably be on the young side of the accountable spectrum. The ability to comprehend not only right and wrong, but the ability to comprehend the eternal consequences of those actions, along with fair comprehension of what Christ did for us. A normal person is probably in the 10-15 year old range, depending on what they've been taught.
When I mey my wife she was one of those "don't have to go to church to believe" types. After going to church with me and being exposed to the Christ's teachings, It's a different story. If I'm sick she being 8 months pregnant will gladly pack up the 2, 4, 7, and 9 year old kids and happily head to church by herself.

Like Grandpa always said, If you don't belive in God, you'd better hope your right.

Rich has made it pretty clear he's not a believer and in a previous thread had some pretty harsh words toward God concerning what happend to Tim. He also has very little use for Wade. Yet he seems to pretty much comprehend this subject.
Ephesians 6:4 And you fathers, Provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
It's good you don't believe me, or "us" - faith in fellow man always precedes failure... God only asks that you believe Him.
Instead of waiting around to see what happens, why not be proactive & see what His word says against all others?

Sure, show me his words. The Bible was written by man, unless you can prove otherwise. Because he obviously doesn't seem to want to talk to me.
Tisk Tisk!

If you'd read the Bible you'd already know that God says every word of it was authored by His Holy Spirit... and I'd be the last to vicariously reveal this stuff to you - hence my recommendation to read His word (the Bible) and find out for yourself.

Have you ever considered that He "obviously doesn't seem to want to talk to you" because you obviously don't seem to be interested in hearing from Him?
Have you ever considered that He "obviously doesn't seem to want to talk to you" because you obviously don't seem to be interested in hearing from Him?

I'd love to hear from him, it would make things a whole lot easier! :lolly:

And if the "voices" in my head are that of God. He's an interesting character, and what you guys are saying is nuts..
I'd love to hear from him, it would make things a whole lot easier! :lolly:

And if the "voices" in my head are that of God. He's an interesting character, and what you guys are saying is nuts..

Jeff, the bible says that "every word in this book is the inspirered word of GOD" The bible also says that" heaven and earth will pass way, but my Word will not". These are Promises of God. God cant break promises, nore can he lie.

In other words the Bible is God talking to man, through man. also think about this, the Bible is the oldest recording of man, it's been destroyed by many kindoms leaders and saought to be destroyed by the most eliete people in history. None have even come close to ridding the world of Gods Holy Word.

If the Bible were inspirered by man it would have ceased to excist like many other things in history, But because it's inspirered by GOD, it will be here long after every human on earth is gone!
I hope you hear Him, too!

Most of the time, I'm like ":doh:":D
Rich has made it pretty clear he's not a believer and in a previous thread had some pretty harsh words toward God concerning what happend to Tim. He also has very little use for Wade. Yet he seems to pretty much comprehend this subject.
Rich didn't have harsh words toward a being he doesn't believe in. Wade said God caused it, and Rich lit into him. As he should have.

Why do some of you insist in quoting scripture to convince those that don't believe? It isn't convincing to someone that doesn't believe the source. That would be like me trying to convince Wade of something using Obama as a source. It won't work. You first have to convince them that something is a valid source before you can teach from it.
For XLR8R too:

Jeff, the bible says that "every word in this book is the inspirered word of GOD" The bible also says that" heaven and earth will pass way, but my Word will not". These are Promises of God. God cant break promises, nore can he lie.

In other words the Bible is God talking to man, through man. also think about this, the Bible is the oldest recording of man, it's been destroyed by many kindoms leaders and saought to be destroyed by the most eliete people in history. None have even come close to ridding the world of Gods Holy Word.

If the Bible were inspirered by man it would have ceased to excist like many other things in history, But because it's inspirered by GOD, it will be here long after every human on earth is gone!

And so, you still believe every word written, knowing that it was modified by man. Man with free will to change history.

How the heck can you quote and assume to be true while knowing it isn't original yet you say it was though man God spoke these words, but man just changed these words to fit the agenda of the time?

That's just insane and yet you still type: "every word in this book is the inspirered word of GOD" The bible also says that" heaven and earth will pass way, but my Word will not". These are Promises of God. God cant break promises, nore can he lie.".

It's like folks generally think correctly and logical, but once it's about religion they get all psychologically fuked up in the head and the laws of physics just don't apply anymore.

So, in conclusion: When I see wade walk on water, I'll jump ship. :) until then, it's just a book and a fairytale.
For XLR8R too:

That's just insane and yet you still type

It's like folks generally think correctly and logical, but once it's about religion they get all psychologically fuked up in the head and the laws of physics just don't apply anymore.

So, in conclusion: When I see wade walk on water, I'll jump ship. :) until then, it's just a book and a fairytale.

Insanity's popular definition is repeating a previous action or course of action & expecting a different result.

Secular mans' propensity over the last few millenia to dismiss & discard the Bible as myth, legend & folklore has failed miserably, yet the misguided effort's futility continues... most folks don't realize that Homer's Odyssey is universally accepted (among academia & laity alike) as solidly based in factual history, while the Bible (by far the most harshly criticized & castigated book ever written) enjoys a wealth of archeological, linguistic, historical & cultural proofs that are magnitudes beyond what Ulysses has ever been able to command.

p.s. If I saw Wade walk on water, I might have to stop drinking!
also think about this, the Bible is the oldest recording of man,

The first bible was written about 1400 BC
Earliest records of mankind are circa 3000 BC
The bible is NOT the oldest recording of man....sorry.

Just had to point out that fact.
For the sake of clarity & accuracy, I'll point out that although Moses compiled & wrote the Pentateuch (1st 5 books of the Bible) in the Sinai Desert around the 15th century before Christ, Genesis itself (the other 4 books were clearly written by Moses as extant in his direct experience) is composed in the majority of 10 genealogies (family histories is a more accurate translation) - the earliest of which is Adam's, which I imagine predates the Sumerians' early dynastic form of cuneiform by a comfortable margin.
Rich didn't have harsh words toward a being he doesn't believe in. Wade said God caused it, and Rich lit into him. As he should have.

Why do some of you insist in quoting scripture to convince those that don't believe? It isn't convincing to someone that doesn't believe the source. That would be like me trying to convince Wade of something using Obama as a source. It won't work. You first have to convince them that something is a valid source before you can teach from it.

Wrong, i said God allowed it...maybe trying to get someones attention? i dont know,but God got my attention by allowing me to wrap a trans am around a telephone pole a 105MPH....hence the change in direction for me..

The first bible was written about 1400 BC
Earliest records of mankind are circa 3000 BC
The bible is NOT the oldest recording of man....sorry.

Just had to point out that fact.

If you want facts then you would now that the Bible (some of the old testimate) dates back to between 4000-5000 B.C. look it up.
Not trying to get in the middle of this or step on anyone's toes, but for everyone that doesn't believe, ill be praying for you... God has been there for me and my family way to many times for me to not believe in him. Iv come very close to losing my life on 2 separate occasions because of my own stupidity and he has still been with me everyday of my life even though I never stopped once to thank him
Wrong, i said God allowed it...maybe trying to get someones attention? i dont know,but God got my attention by allowing me to wrap a trans am around a telephone pole a 105MPH....hence the change in direction for me..
You sure seemed quite sure that God did it to get people's attention when you posted this-
It's not mother nature, the Bible says God controlls the wind and the rain. and uses weather to get peoples attention!
Just sayin. LOL

You also seemed to find it funny. In a thread making sure our members were ok.

If you want facts then you would now that the Bible (some of the old testimate) dates back to between 4000-5000 B.C. look it up.
No it doesn't. You look it up. Some Bible scholars even calculate creation as around 4,000 BC, so that kinda makes it impossible for the Bible to be that old.
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I see wade gettin bashed almost everytime he post on every forum....

I've never once heard him say anything negative to anybody

Not that I agree or disagree im just sayin
I see wade gettin bashed almost everytime he post on every forum....

I've never once heard him say anything negative to anybody

Not that I agree or disagree im just sayin

He's a self righteous, a tool, and has low English skills. That's three strikes.