My truck was stolen...

I'm still at work, so I get to wonder what all the damage is for another week yet.

I can only imagine the amount of damage: When the police say "Be prepared to tell your's no longer clean on the inside anymore."

-My wife gave the police the description that the truck was "Showroom Clean".

Yes I have full coverage...but have never had the truck appraised...only have a 3" binder full of receipts....and a few more in a drawer here and there.

I don't know when the truck was stolen, only that someone called the police and said they noticed this truck with a popped lock, and they were nice enough to write down the plate. So I don't know how long the theives had the truck.

My wife said the that they were using it to steal other stuff, as it was packed full of chit.
If your flying to Fort Mac I think you can fly out of Penhold now if you want to stay away from city life.
We can only hope they didnt mess with the turbines or the wastegates on the turbos.
Damn man, that sucks. Just knowing someone else was driving my truck would get me all sorts of worked up. That's like someone else with your girl...

Hopefully it's just dirty inside, not cut up or broken or anything real bad, just dusty or something.

At least someone had the sense to see the handle busted and call the cops with the plate number. I don't think that would dawn on the majority of people.
That's like someone else with your girl...

Hopefully it's just dirty inside, not cut up or broken or anything real bad, just dusty or something.

When read as one sentence, that is awesome LOL

At least someone had the sense to see the handle busted and call the cops with the plate number. I don't think that would dawn on the majority of people.

I know that wouldn't happen here.

When will you be able to get your truck back? I'm assuming its being held by the cops for now?
Yeah, the Police still have it for investigating....

I won't be able to see it till Thursday night, and still won't be able to drive it until they repair it.
Gotta go through everything that they found in my truck to see if it's mine, or stolen, and then have an adjuster look into things too.

Really, I have no idea when I'll get it back.

The scary part is...if the engine is damaged/toast, the book value on a 2003 King Ranch in perfect condition, is worth what...18-20K? IDK.

And a STOCK rebuilt 6.0L from Ford is $13,000.00

Doesn't leave alot of wiggle room...
How did it turn out?

Just went to the "approved repair shop" this morning to start the engine for them.
(I asked to be there when they were going to start it.)

It fired up after spinning over a bit...normal.
Engine had 80 psi of oil pressure, cold...normal.

Truck had a shake to it...not normal.

Got out and looked over the engine bay...primary turbo shakin pretty good from the engine miss since its the furthest thing away....probably an injector.

Other then that, haven't heard too much more...they will be doing the "mechanical" inspection next week.

Second appraiser doubled the first appraisers estimate for damages....and that's before the mechanical inspection is done yet.

I made it clear that no one touches the engine but me, after the shop foreman said that they don't do diesels there...and that my engine sure as hell doesn't look like a stock diesel.:nail:
wow Im sorry to hear that.. about 2 weeks ago someone stole 3 d-maxes from my town all in the same weekend.. im glad you got your truck back.. I know they had a good " joy ride"
Thats sucks man.... that miss could be serious if those jackwagons held on the throttle too long.

You should get an hour in the same room with the guy and a pipe wrench....
Little update...

One offer was I take the truck, and a cheque for "FA!" and I was supposed to be happy.

My reply was simple: "Not a chance in hell."
The cheque didn't even cover the damage that "HAD" to be fixed.

So far, the cosmetic damage is $10,000 including fixing the rear brakes. (there are no dents at all...just scratches, except for the inside of the box.)

Looks like I will have to look after any drivetrain issues, just to keep the repair estimate in check.

After all this, I have learned a few things:
Anything over 2-3 years old, you don't get OEM get "Quality Aftermarket" sh!t from the auto body shop. (insurance company policy)
The value of your truck is the same as every other truck of that year, and mileage. (unless you have a 3" binder full of receipts that prove otherwise.) lucky for me...I did.
"Full coverage" is not "Full coverage" Depending on how many miles are on the vehicle, dictate how much of the damage was "normal wear and tear", and how much you get to pay for yourself. (betterment)
The ONLY way to get your vehicle fixed the way it was before it was stolen, is to b!tch, bellyache, and moan...provide proof that the vehicle is worth what you said it is worth, and back that up by having papers from a reputable automobile appraiser.

If your vehicle is older then 3 years, and is relatively "stock", there is no way in hell you should ever think of having anything more then PL, PD, fire, theft on that vehicle. Put the extra money towards a holiday trip, Christmas gifts, whatever...but spending it on insurance is just silly. really sux.
I will be gettin the truck appraised afterwards, and changing insurance companies for sure.
that sucks man, i have recently went back and added extra insurance coverage on mine with all my accessories just incase something like this happens. Good luck bud!
wow Im sorry to hear that.. about 2 weeks ago someone stole 3 d-maxes from my town all in the same weekend.. im glad you got your truck back.. I know they had a good " joy ride"

but you live in FL like myself and when a car/truck is stolen its usually in a shipping container headed south before they can find it..

Glad they got you your truck back!