New Logo and Stickers


Seth- Fuel Injection Guy
Aug 7, 2007
For those of you who don't play on the facebook machine:


If you'd like some stickers/ business cards please send me a message with the color you want and your name and address. I'll be sending out a big batch of these this weekend.
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That would make a sharp decal if you could get just the logo and lettering!
It would look good on the Volkswagen. When people ask how I got it to roll so much coal, I can just show them your sticker.

Those are pretty sharp by the way.
Good looking logo! Did you design it yourself or have it done?

Thanks! Paul at The Brand Smith did all the design work and stickers/ business cards. He did an awesome job and works incredibly fast!

Looks good. Did you put one in with my 5Ks by chance?

I didn't want them to get destroyed in that padded envelope. I'll send yours out this weekend with the others. I want to ship them in a sturdy envelope so they don't get destroyed in transit.
This was a confusing post and sounded assholish. I'll clarify, any chance your going to get decals?

I've got decals and cards in stock, the picture posted just shows the different color options. All the decals have a small white background/ border.