NHRDA 2015 Championship Season Schedule Released


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Just in time for Christmas the NHRDA 2015 Championship Season Schedule has been released!

For Full Details - Click Here...

Will all of these events have drags and pulls? Not many events east of Texas/Oklahoma this year... Or will more be added to the schedule? I also see a few schedule conflicts with other big events...
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Conflicts occur on different sides of the country..

Glad to have one in Tulsa too!!
Chris, Check the details link for sled pull info.

Thanks, looked over the details and it looks like all the events except for the Canadian event have the whole NHRDA deal with drags, pulls, dyno, burnout and show-n-shine and the Canadian event has everything but the pull...

I don't think any of the events are close enough for me to cover, but I would imagine we will have one of our staff guys on the West Coast cover some of the events for Diesel World... We'll have to see what the boss man says.
great for west coast guys, sucks for east coast guys....oh well still better than the other org.
It seems like I am hearing rumors of some people abandoning this org for the outlaw series?
great for west coast guys, sucks for east coast guys....oh well still better than the other org.

East coast fellas don't seem to wanna show so whats the point....guess its all about money now...few years ago it was about showing up running and going fast...things slowly change I guess...I will race in any organization really never started doing this thinking it was gonna make me rich we did it cause we loved building trucks and going faster....
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Looks good to me....planning to make it to most of the events

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jlibert, Randy told me around a week or two, that was when I talked to him on Monday.
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East coast fellas don't seem to wanna show so whats the point....guess its all about money now...few years ago it was about showing up running and going fast...things slowly change I guess...I will race in any organization really never started doing this thinking it was gonna make me rich we did it cause we loved building trucks and going faster....

Are you crazy? i traveled farther than anyone on the east last year. closer events make it easier to attend thats all i was saying. easy for you cause all of it is west side of things...
The one they used to have in Gainesville Fl seemed to always have a good crowd even though it rained out the last two times. It's my local track also.
I'm pretty sure the races that got dropped happened because of lack of trucks racing. Not lack of crowds, if the lack of trucks showing up continues more races will be cut. I know that some people from the east travel well and we'll some don't and complain about not having any races close. Where I'm from the closet race for us is still 5-6 hours away. So if you want races show up and race! Plain and simple also don't complain about the classes. Also I traveled the last few years racing and driving said race truck to every event I went to so those that have trailers for their trucks shouldn't complain as some take greater risks to race in this sport.
Are you crazy? i traveled farther than anyone on the east last year. closer events make it easier to attend thats all i was saying. easy for you cause all of it is west side of things...

Typical narcissistic response... Yes Wade he was talking only about you. :doh:

I guess no one watched the events or checked the truck counts for those events. I am surprised they kept the Il. race.

Lets not mention the white elephant in the room either, like the East pushing its own series now with 4 different groups involved who also have their own set of rules and class's. Why would you flood the market? It looks like a sound market strategy to me..