
Hey all, Texan stuck in Okinawa for 2 more years. Any other members here?

Don't look at it as stuck.... Okinawa is on of the most beautiful places on earth ! Besides, don't you have to volunteer to be there ? I've been all over the world and in fact spent the first 13yrs of my life on Okinawa. I lived in Sunabe right outside gate #1 @ Kadena. Not many places in the world can compare. The place has come a long way since the 70's....lots of stuff to do. If I had my way..... I'd move there in a heart beat.

It's a experience of a live time you'll never forget..... enjoy while you can. Last time I looked, it's about 3K for one person to fly there and back !
I was in Okinawa for 3 years my self, both my kids were Born there. I had a good time my wife hated it! If she could have gotten off the Rock without me she would have left me!!!!:hehe::hehe::hehe:
I was in Okinawa for 3 years my self, both my kids were Born there. I had a good time my wife hated it! If she could have gotten off the Rock without me she would have left me!!!!:hehe::hehe::hehe:

Mine was just the opposite. We when there in 06 for 2 weeks. I had to drag her to the airport to leave.... myself too LOL
I don't know what's wrong with ya'll.I was stuck there for 2 LONG years, that place is a ****HOLE!!!!!!!!!
I loved it their. Scuba dive, paint ball, cliff jump at the light house, softball all year round, i use to race motor cross there also. There were all kinds of festivals. I was the brokest dam person there i think.

I was even over their when the navy and marine raped that little girl. Just had to watch every year after that with the protest is all.

we had some local nationals that worked at our section so we made friends with them and hang out with the locals too.

O and who can forget the banana show. Is that old lady still doing it.
it's not called the " jewel of the orient " for nothing. I lived there for 14yrs. If I had my way.... I'd spend the rest of my life on Okinawa and the far east !
LOL.... I was thinking that's why the guys above didn't care for the place. If all you ever go is to BC street then yes, it is a chit hole.'s the unit that makes the Island, as far as I'm concerned...spent one year there, back when they were doing one year unaccompanied tours, and while I had some good times, I hated the island. But, then again, I was with 7th Crime, right after the G8 summit of 2000....that might have had something to do with it....
I've been here two years and can't wait to get the heck outta here. I have hobbies, but my command is full of tight a**es who like to make life harder than it should be. We call it Okitraz and the NJP capital of the world for a reason. Beautiful place, but I'm ready to be with my wife, thank you very much.
Bah, I did 3 years there and my wife has been telling me lately that we need to go back. Lived near the sea in Yomitan, outside Torii Station. Beautiful, humble little place. I remember this little hamburger joint if you went behind Chibana compound, around the corner frorm the junk yard. DAMN those were some good Okinawan burgers! Lots of camping up at Hiji falls and Hedo point, lots of endless driving just looking for whatever you happened to find, lots of drinking! I dont know how the AF and Marines really have it, but the garrison guys at Torii hate life just because of the unit. Just make the best of it!