Opinions on Edison Motors

Diesel-Electric Semi Truck - Everything You Want To Know - YouTube

Love the idea but moments like 22:20 in this video make me think otherwise. Something so simple as placing the labels for the switches has me confirming my thoughts. Don't get me wrong I'm definitely a backyard/Zip tie kinda guy but feel like the interior on the prototype makes it look very hillbilly. I'm ok with it but perhaps to the general public it looks more like a high school student project.
That is exactly my take but I didn't want to get into it. To me, It lacks sophistication, but that is also part of the appeal to the target audience.

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I would love an electric Gremlin for bombing around town and the beach.
Back when I was 15, I came very close to buying a few Gremlins and Javelins, before I ended up with my truck instead. Which is probably good because if I was in a smaller faster car I'd probably be dead or in prison.

Unfortunately Gremlins rust like crazy so I'd want a fiberglass body but at that point I'd be incinerating money for no real reason. There's also the problem that they really only fit two adults so it'd be on the impractical side of impractical.

So in conclusion, if somebody else put in the work and built such a vehicle and then sold it for a loss to finance their divorce, I'd consider swooping in and carpetbagging it from them for an insultingly cheap amount of money.

Seems like all those old mini Euro cars with the crappy drivetrains but good suspensions and cute styling would be perfect candidates to electrify. Or old Ramblers and whatnot.
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that truck is gonna sell..limited maybe..but itll go
I agree, the concept is not a bad idea. The Battery's are the weak link. Lithium battery's can only take so many charges, then they are toast. If I was a betting man, I'd be willing to bet the battery pack will not even make it to 100k miles.

They seem to be more focused on the HH or logging market. They don't seem to be looking for the OTR market. I might be all wet though.
So the project vehicle I've been cooking on for a while is a 4Dr 1st gen bronco with a Tesla motor mounted in the trans well, prop shafts from the drive flanges run to conventional axles with tall gear ratios riding on something in the 37-40 Inch tire range.
Kinser chassis makes a nice frame and I can't remember the body company name.
I had talked myself into saving the coin and just buying a rolled coyote F150 and building the body on that. I've been torn between the coyote, a larger VW diesel, an MDW, baby Isuzu. Now you crackheads have me thinking about a small diesel hybrid setup geared toward high torque output.

The limitation to hybrid is the C rating on the batteries. This is why some manufacturers invested in Capacitors rather than batteries.

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