Original tach w/ATI damper in a 94??


Apr 1, 2016
My current project is putting a p-pump 24v in my '94 dodge. I want the entire dash to work like normal; coolant temp, oil press, tach. I know the temp and pressure gauges will be easy just by changing the sensors, but I need help with the tach! I'm using an ATI Super Damper. The original 12v damper only has two notches, so I guess going off the damper bolts is out of question? Ive heard of Dakota Digital but never used their products. Is that the only way to go? Any input would much appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!
I put a ATI Super Damper on my '98 12V. Had to clearance the lower gussets on the timing cover and added a washer behind the tach pickup to push it out a wee bit and help it line up with the notches in the ATI. Worst case, fabricate a bracket to hold your sensor in place.

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