Pager messages


Girl's crazy.....
Apr 23, 2006
Why do they go to the bottom where you don't notice them? Or is that just me?

I dunno Shel, we are working on it... Bear with us, there are alot of bugs being worked on right now
Don't feel bad Shel, I have one unread that it will not let me ge to for some reason, the bugs are getting stomped on, just takes time.
How do you page someone? On my pc, I don't even see that option......
Click on their screenname..there is an option.
Go to the username, left click, go to "public Profile", click on this to open the page and under contact info there will be Send a pager Message to --member--

If you have not done so already, Enable popups from this site so you can get the little window with the message in it.

Feel free to ask about anything anyone, this site is here for ya'll to enjoy so if you have questions or concerns let us (The Mod Squad) know about it.
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Thanks Billy, I found it! I relized if I looked a little harder before I asked I would've figured it out my self...... LOL
Thanks for being patient with us on this I have several bugs to work out of the system as soon as I know you guys will.
Billysgoat said:
Don't feel bad Shel, I have one unread that it will not let me ge to for some reason, the bugs are getting stomped on, just takes time.
Ha, I think that's the one I sent you! It's ok, I know you're tryin to ignore me :aiwebs_003:
Billy giving tech tips...there's something I never thought I'd see...LOL
partsguy662 said:
Billy giving tech tips...there's something I never thought I'd see...LOL

You and me both!!! :lolly: :lolly: :lolly:

Shel> Most likely :aiwebs_003: