Performax Ammeter?


Night Train
Sep 9, 2007
Are there any plans to add an ammeter to the Performax line? I'd like to monitor this and keep the look the same among my Performax gauges.
Hmmm, we hadn't planned for it but it might not be too tough to design one in. We sell so few ammeters anymore compared to voltmeters, we figured most people would want a voltmeter (which is available in Performax). If we added an ammeter it would be a shunt-based design, with wiring from the shunt to the ESP for monitoring. What amp range would you be looking for?

Michael Pliska
Well, I've got a 200 amp HD alternator and I've had to replace it as well as both batteries in the past 6 months. I've got a voltmeter in my MSD DashHawk (which I set up to flash red when it gets below or above a certain voltage) but I have no idea when the alternator is charging or if it's charging. I'd like to be able to keep an eye on it.