Photobucket pictures not linking


Cat buys my Cummins parts
Jun 3, 2007
Why is it when I link the img code now it doesn't show the picture like it used to. It just shows the link

That's an img code from my iPad. The problem I've been running in to for a long time now is that I can't post from my iPhone, only my iPad. Some other sites that I can post from my phone it gives the URL in it and if you click on the pic it goes to my account.

One other problem is that when I'm trying to post multiple pics from my iPad to here, is when I copy a code from PB, and then toggle to compD and paste it, when I toggle back to PB the app is frozen and I have to close it and reopen.
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Copy the direct link on PB

Then click the little pic of the mountains and paste the direct link
i just tried it twice. I can't get it to work.
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I copy the IMG link for forums/boards off photobucket and paste it with my reply
This image is from PB. The only thing I forgot was to make sure you paste over, or delete before pasting, the "http://" that is already there when you click the "Insert Image" button.

At some point one would think acceptance of photophucket's suck factor would necessitate migration to a better platform.
This image is from PB. The only thing I forgot was to make sure you paste over, or delete before pasting, the "http://" that is already there when you click the "Insert Image" button.



Ok that works. Thanks!

At some point one would think acceptance of photophucket's suck factor would necessitate migration to a better platform.

I'm with ya. What's a better photo sharing app?
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I type the open and close img tags at the beginning and end of each image's URL. Hasn't failed me. Even so recently.
here to make sure I do it right as well for future post
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