PRV for twin pumps


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I just purchased an ats twin cp3 kit. Right now I am running a capped rail. Do you have a prv for twin pumps. Pics and pricing would be appreciated
you should not need one, you should be ok as long as you realize that you can not just step off the skinny peddle or spikes will result, you should also not run any pressure boxes on the truck, them two pumps will flow enough without one.
give Todd @ T&C diesel a call. He will mod your stock PRV to where you can run a little more psi without blowing the stocker. Your duals are capable of a good amount of psi and you'll end up blowing the stocker at 23.5Kpsi+/-
Todd, tried calling and sending a pm the other day about a cprv. I see your on now. Hook me up!