scary ride.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
[ame=""]ionia-ax-21_zpscouwkhne.jpg Photo by nfrantz87 | Photobucket[/ame]

This was a 68 year old guy locally. Survived with non life threatening injuries. The truck in the picture was the truck towing the trailer.....
I've seen veichles hit by coal trains running 60 mph look better than that. What's the story behind it?

Imagine my surprise to see "Ionia Co" in that article. Thats about 10 miles from my route. From the pic, I thought it was on Riverside Dr outside Lyons before I read the article. That area got 6"+ of snow Thursday, and the snow was melting/refreezing Friday. Was the kind of conditions that can fool drivers into a false sense of security. Glad he survived.
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Bet he got jackknifed at some point before going up the hill. The subsequent roll down the hill and being tied up to the trailer is probably what caused all the damage. May not have had the trailer brakes set correctly for the weight (empty) and the conditions (icy). Really amazed it didn't cause a fatality. The damage might also not been as bad as the picture, as I'm sure that picture is post extraction.
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Post-Extraction or not....that is a miracle. To end up on atop the trailer you were towing is nothing shy of amazing. Glad ol' boy survived. I'm like you all.....I helped dad wrecker a car out from under a rail car one time that wasn't that fubar.
Holy ****. I'd be willing to bet that the truck is suffering from the typical cracked dodge dash also.
My son wrecked his car. I have to go tow it from the impound lot so my storage bill doesn't keep climbing. Waiting on insurance company to do their thing.

Merry Christmas

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Looks like a MkK IV Jetta, that's what my son drives. I hope your son is okay!!! Mind if I ask what happened and were there any injuries?
Chris, no injuries. My son was driving in Marietta on Roswell Rd and some kid pulled out in front of him. Both cars totaled. The jetta is sure a safe car.
Chris, no injuries. My son was driving in Marietta on Roswell Rd and some kid pulled out in front of him. Both cars totaled. The jetta is sure a safe car.

Good to hear (about no injuries and safe car), bummer car is totaled... If it is a TDI buy it back from the insurance co for the engine at least!

Or you could buy it back and see if it will work to build one of these:!gallery/cee5

The Smyth G3F is a car I would like to build... Heck I might even buy the wrecked Jetta from you to give it a try if it isn't too far gone!!!
That looks sweeeeet! My son's Jetta is a 1.8T, auto. We just replaced the throttle body, ignition coils, plugs, wires, new KO4 turbo, front axles, front wheel bearings, calipers, rotors, pads and new tires. Also replaced the radiator and serviced the ac and installed all new speakers, head unit, new amplifier and subs. All this has been done in the past 4 months. Next on the list was a new paint job. Just waiting on the at fault insurance company to step up and inform me of their intentions. Adjuster says he has to do his investigation to see was at fault. The other driver received a ticket, teen driving a brand new G35, for improper turn in front of oncoming traffic.
That looks sweeeeet! My son's Jetta is a 1.8T, auto. We just replaced the throttle body, ignition coils, plugs, wires, new KO4 turbo, front axles, front wheel bearings, calipers, rotors, pads and new tires. Also replaced the radiator and serviced the ac and installed all new speakers, head unit, new amplifier and subs. All this has been done in the past 4 months. Next on the list was a new paint job. Just waiting on the at fault insurance company to step up and inform me of their intentions. Adjuster says he has to do his investigation to see was at fault. The other driver received a ticket, teen driving a brand new G35, for improper turn in front of oncoming traffic.

Wow, a lot of work put into it. Be sure you get compensated for the work... provide receipts if needed. Also the 1.8T would still make a cool G3F, just not quite as cool as a TDI version!!!

At the very least I would consider buying it back just to get the stereo equipment and such then sell off parts or scrap the rest of the car...
That's the plan. Impound lot says I have 10 days before they scrap it. Insurance adjuster hasn't even looked at it yet. I will tow home on Friday.

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Make sure the impound lot guys did not strip the good parts and sound system out of it... Again, receipts may help here...
I have all the receipts for everything. Not worried about it. Worst case scenario is the insurance doesn't pay top dollar. I just buy my son another car and scrap out the jetta. I might just give him my Touareg and I buy another.