SDX moving to effingham?

red dodge2

New member
Feb 12, 2008
be hereing that the scheid diesel X-travaganza might be moving to effingham due to the mayor or who ever at terre haute not liking it so much. true or not? anyone been hereing the same thing?
If that is the case I can guarantee that I will be there, my parents live in Teutopolis.

One quick thing, the cops in the Effingham area can be pricks, just a forewarning.

Although thinking of facilities, the track is in Coles County and for a pull with that size of spectators you would have to use the county fairgrounds in Altamont. Unless Mike finally got his drag strip approved and installed just north of town. Hum...
I dont see anything on their website about it yet. I have a feeling it will be in Terre Haute again tho.
I have not heard anything to lead me to believe it will be moved.
I heard Ford ownes Cummins also... LOL

Untill we hear the word from Mr. Scheid, I'm going to dismiss it as a rumor.
be hereing that the scheid diesel X-travaganza might be moving to effingham due to the mayor or who ever at terre haute not liking it so much. true or not? anyone been hereing the same thing?

Never happen. There's no place in Effingham county or even Coles county to hold that big of an event.
IIRC, didn't the Extravaganza start in Effingham (late 90's) and move to Terre Haute once it became popular?
The county fairgrounds in Altamont is good size. They hold a bunch of pulls there. I dont know how it would handle that number of people but i doubt there would be too much jackassn around cause there is only one road for cops to patrol with very minimal parking lots. It would be like one big traffic jam and no room to do anything. LOL
I herd this also but agree with most of you cops are dicks around here and not to many places to accomodate that many people.It would be one huge traffic jam but only 15 min. from home who knows.
Who knows maybe they are talking to Mike Yager, the owner of Mid America Corvette. The Funfest brings in how many cars and people each year? I know that this is just a rumor but just throwing ideas out there.

That being said I asked my brother and cousin who work at a local lumber yard and an auto shop who should hear anything if the rumor mill was running around the local area and they have yet to hear anything.
i heard it was coming to ill,but if i was to think. i believe bloomington il would be the place as the fair grounds are hug.and has a awesome track