Section rules


Joe Nobody!
Apr 21, 2006
It seems there is a rash of folks pushing products in the for sale section. This is not a place for you to advertise if you are a company/distributor/manufacturer. Think of this section as a yard sale. If you have it and its in your way in the garage, or you want to get rid of it, (and your not a vendor), then post it. If you would have to pay to advertise your shop or product in a magazine or newspaper, or on a website, (like the sponsors who advertise here), why would you think this is your personal section to advertise for free?

The rules are clear. If you have a question about advertising, feel free to contact any of the moderators of this site. If you think you are being treated unfairly, feel free to go to another site that allows you to advertise for free. HINT: there are not any. If you still feel you are being unjustly treated, feel free to go elsewhere as you are spamming this site at the expense of the supporting vendors.
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I have a shop in ohio a very small shop am i allowed to post used products on here i have never tried to force my shop on this site
Tony, an occasional post trying to get rid of a one off type item is ok, but trying to sell on a continual basis is not without becoming a supporting vendor.