Shipping costs?


New member
Jun 12, 2007
Well, I'll sound like a whiny ***** :poke: but I noticed the majority of companies offer included shipping over a certain dollar amount but it appears that you guys don't. Interested in a Goerend pan...

Thank you.
- Dave
Personally I think their rates are some of the best. I think calling them up would be a better route.
I can give that a shot too; I ran out of time today so I figured I'd I'd throw up a post.
Everyone wants something free now a days, the other companies charge a premium for their products and its easy to offer free shipping when your getting raked across the coals.
I don't know about all that. Dodge Goerend High Capacity Transmission Pan 47RE 48RE 47RH

The pan is listed at $250 from Goerend (+ ship). Why is $279 crossed out like they're cutting a deal on the price? I can't stand that; it makes me leary.

I want the Goerend though, so if I want it, I'll just have to suck it up and pay shipping too. :D I promise not to ask them any questions. ;)
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The reason it's "on sale" is to make it more visible on the site. Not trying to give an illusion of a good deal:)
PM or call me, I'll get you the CompD discount.
The reason it's "on sale" is to make it more visible on the site. Not trying to give an illusion of a good deal:)
PM or call me, I'll get you the CompD discount.
Got it! Thanks for clearing that up...makes sense now. :rockwoot: It really wasn't my intent to sound *****y.

I'll shoot you a PM.
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Your messages are full, but I got the code and ordered the pan. Thanks again!:snoop: