Speeding ticket

Good little man, you get a gold star.:lolly:

lmao ooo no he doesnt! bc that wouldnt be fair to all the internet ninja's in training. we dont want them getting depressed.

air force boy, dude u cracked me the phuck up. :welcome: and enjoy comp d. easy entertainment for you.
On VBC... what a ****in joke. 40k in a 30k zone. I'm taking it home and framing it :eek:wned:

Fragment? I think the last phrase in the first post has the makings of a sentence. Please don't bash someones written grammar when you don't know what the **** your doing without resorting to google to find the proper answer.

What are you rambling about? I referenced that the last group in the first post had the makings of a sentence. There aren't even any markings in that group? So your little comment about just because it has markings is complete garbage. It had no markings. Hence why I don't even see the point of your marking comment!

Hmmmm, maybe I got caught up in 2 different posts a little... My bad. For some reason I thought you were staying that because it has punctuation that it was a sentence for some reason.

Lets start over. :) Yes, the last phrase is close to a sentence, but doesn't make it correct.

Damn! That's the longest read ever on my tiny ass iPhone screen over one word jumble and 2 sentences... LOL. And to explain the #2 post, I just figured the Lt. was another newbie posting in this new fangled texting shorthand that makes no sense. For one, when I was in Iraq there wasn't a VBC, that must be an AF thing. To everyone else in country is was Just Victory, or Liberty, etc. If you were lucky they threw a FOB in front of it. I also figured it was posted in the wrong area like so many other threads seem to be lately. And the Canadian remark was in reply to the 40k in a 30k zone. My original though was "40,000 in a 30,000, WTF? Then I figured he meant kilometer, and since most people use miles, I just concluded he was in Canada.

Clear as mud? LOL glad I could provide some entertainment the last 24 hrs :)
Stay safe Lt. and glad to hear they have Internet over there now, I joined CompD while home on leave my first deployment and sure wish I had it to pass the time while I was there. 3-4 times a day did get boring after awhile...
To the OP.....

Don't do it again.... I SEE YOU!!!!

Did you photo shop that? you don't look that big in person :)

This possibly a closer depiction.


Well that pic is a few years old!!

I keep telling everyone that I'm going down hill Fast!! I Never get a chance to train anymore... I'm a slave to these off duty details for extra money and then spend all my time Working on the damn truck that blows up all the time!!!:nail:

I still weigh the same but the mass has been redistributed to more central locations!!! :lolly:

I'll get it back someday!!
ya there pretty ruthless. I witnessed a citation being wrote as a result of not having a spotter when backing a vehicle. Safety is safety but all that just to back into a empty parking space.
ya there pretty ruthless. I witnessed a citation being wrote as a result of not having a spotter when backing a vehicle. Safety is safety but all that just to back into a empty parking space.

Gotta love it, man!