Spiritual Food


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Hey everyone,

Just thought I would try and contribute something to the forum...so here is a little thought for you guys.

Proverbs 16:26 (NIV)
"The laborer's appetite works for him; his hunger drives him on."

I think this verse can be seen as what we hunger and thirst for is where we put our motivation and effort. So if we hunger and thirst for for things to the point where we put them in front of serving and glorifying God we have created an idol of our own image and turned something good into something bad. However, if we hunger and thirst to glorify God then we will work at it with all of our heart because we are serving the Lord, and he will pour in the power to keep us going bit by bit.

Feel free to comment on this verse and I hope everyone has a great week and stays safe!

Adam M.
There's a fine line between obsession/idolatry and giving 100% for something God wants you to do... I start every day with a tidbit from Proverbs to remind myself of why He woke me up.